Uri Arad - Rheumatologist

MacMurray Centre, 3 MacMurray Road, Remuera, Auckland

Contact Details

Phone (09) 550 1080
Fax (09) 550 1081
Email admin@macmurray.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: mcmurray

Street Address

3 MacMurray Road
Auckland 1050

Postal Address

MacMurray Centre
3 MacMurray Road
Auckland 1050


Dr Uri Arad is a rheumatologist located at the MacMurray Centre, Remuera, Auckland.
What is Rheumatology?
Rheumatology is the specialty of medicine that includes arthritis and autoimmune diseases. Arthritis means inflammation of a joint. A joint is where two or more bones meet and move in relation to each other. They are separated by a rubbery substance called cartilage which is smooth and slippery, allowing for easy movement. Cartilage covers the end of each bone. Tendons and ligaments attach bones to muscles and other bones. Cartilage, tendons and ligaments are enclosed within a membrane around the joint which releases a fluid into the joint space to keep it well lubricated. Autoimmune disease is where an abnormality in the immune system leads to the body’s defence harming its own cells by mistake.
A rheumatologist is a doctor who has specialised in this area of medicine. Your GP will refer you to see a rheumatologist if they think you have an autoimmune disorder or if they need assistance diagnosing or treating arthritis.


Referral Expectations

Patients should have a referral from their general practitioner or another specialist.

It is best to arrive with all relevant information including previous clinic letters, lab results and imaging reports (x-rays, CT, ultrasound, MRI scans) that may be relevant to the initial consultation.

Languages Spoken

English, Hebrew

Disability Assistance

Wheelchair access

Public Transport

The Auckland Transport Journey Planner will help you to plan your journey.


Free patient parking is provided in front of the building.
