
Dunedin - South Otago > Private Hospitals & Specialists > The Dermatology Clinic - Dr Daniela Vanousova >

Dr. Daniela Vanousova, MD, PhD in Dermatology



MD 1996 Charles; Spec (Dermato & Venero) 2008 Czech Republic


Dr Daniela Vanousova is a registered specialist dermatologist with extensive experience in Europe and New Zealand.

Daniela graduated from the Medical Faculty at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. She completed her training at University Hospital Bulovka in Prague. Throughout her career as a Consultant and Lecturer at Bulovka Hospital in Prague, she obtained her PhD in Lyme borreliosis, a tick-borne disease. She played a significant role in detecting the first case of Lymphogranuloma venereum, a sexually transmitted disease, in the Czech Republic. She published several scientific articles in Czech and international journals, co-authored three medical books, and lectured at various domestic and international congresses.
After moving to New Zealand in 2016, she underwent further advanced training in dermoscopy, skin cancer management, and varicose vein treatment. She is an Accredited Skin Cancer Doctor (Skin Cancer College Australasia). 


  • Early skin cancer detection and treatment
  • Medical Dermatology

Title or Designation



Female / Wāhine

Full NZ Registration Date

20 December 2017

Vocational Scope


Languages Spoken


Contact Details

Dr. Daniela Vanousova, MD, PhD in Dermatology is available at the following service:

This service is available at the following locations:

609 Highgate, Maori Hill, Dunedin


For skin cancer checks, please contact Maori Hill Clinic. Appointments are available only on Mondays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Online Dermatology Consultations


For online dermatology consultations, we require an eReferral from your GP. For further information, please contact us at the above number from Tuesday to Friday, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, or send a confidential email.