Dr Eileen Merriman
MB ChB 2001 Otago; FRACP 2010; FRCPA 2010
Dr Eileen Merriman is a consultant haematologist and the clinical director of haematology and lead thrombosis clinician at North Shore Hospital in Auckland.
Eileen has a sub-specialist interest in venous thromboembolism and offers an NZ-wide service. Fe.g. deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, superficial vein thrombosis and less usual venous site thrombosis e.g. cerebral, intra-abdominal, as well as advice regarding thrombosis risk related to hormonal medications such as HRT and contraceptive medications.
Dr Merriman also provides perioperative anticoagulation plans/advice, and consults on a range of benign haematological conditions such as ITP and myeloproliferative disorders.
Title or Designation
Clinical Director & Lead Clinician Thrombosis Service, Haematologist
Female / Wāhine
Full NZ Registration Date
6 December 2002
Vocational Scope
Pathology, Internal Medicine
Contact Details
Dr Eileen Merriman is available at the following services:
Private Services
Canopy Cancer Care
This service is available at the following location:
213 Shakespeare Road, Takapuna, Auckland
09 623 5602
09 489 8400
Healthlink EDI
Find our full contact details here.
Public Services
Haematology Service | Waitematā
This service is available at the following location:
North Shore Hospital
(09) 486 8900
Freephone 0800 80 93 42 - Waitemata DHB residential areas only
Patient enquiries:
(09) 486 8930
Emergency Department: Open 24 hours / 7 days, Phone (09) 486 8900