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Dr Jenny McLachlan
MB ChB 2005 Auckland; FRACP 2016
Jenny graduated from the University of Auckland in 2005. She completed her specialist training in medical oncology at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney and became a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 2015. She went on to complete a two-year fellowship, specializing in gynae-oncology and melanoma at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London. In 2017, Jenny returned to New Zealand with her family to take up a medical oncologist position at Christchurch Hospital.
Read more about Jenny here
Specialist areas:
- Breast cancer
- Gynaecological cancer
- Melanoma
Title or Designation
Medical Oncologist
Female / Wāhine
Full NZ Registration Date
18 January 2006
Vocational Scope
Internal Medicine
Contact Details
Dr Jenny McLachlan is available at the following service:
St Georges Cancer Care Centre
This service is available at the following location:
131 Leinster Road, Strowan, Christchurch
(03) 375 6100
Email Addresses
Query: cancer.care@stgeorges.org.nz
Referral: ccreferral@stgeorges.org.nz
Correspondence: ccadmin@stgeorges.org.nz
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