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MercyAscot Urological Surgery

Private Surgical Service, Urology

This is where you will come to have your surgery performed. The visits to your surgeon before and after surgery will be at their consulting rooms.


Note: Please note below that some people are not available at all locations.

  • Mr Tony Beaven

    Urological Surgeon

    Available at all locations.

  • Dr Vincent Chan

    Urological Surgeon

    Available at all locations.

  • Mr Jason Du

    Urological Surgeon

    Available at all locations.

  • Dr Eva Fong

    Urological Surgeon

    Available at Mercy Hospital, 98 Mountain Road, Epsom, Auckland

  • Mr Chris Hawke

    Urological and Robotic Surgeon

    Available at Ascot Hospital, 90 Green Lane East, Remuera, Auckland

  • Mr Madhu Koya

    Urological Surgeon

    Available at Mercy Hospital, 98 Mountain Road, Epsom, Auckland

  • Dr Anna Lawrence

    Urological Surgeon

    Available at Ascot Hospital, 90 Green Lane East, Remuera, Auckland

  • Mr Mischel Neill

    Urological Surgeon

    Available at Ascot Hospital, 90 Green Lane East, Remuera, Auckland

  • Mr Morgan Pokorny

    Urological Surgeon

    Available at all locations.

  • Mr John Tuckey

    Urological Surgeon

    Available at Ascot Hospital, 90 Green Lane East, Remuera, Auckland

  • Mr Simon van Rij

    Urological and Robotic Surgeon

    Available at Ascot Hospital, 90 Green Lane East, Remuera, Auckland

  • Dr Andrew Williams

    Urological Surgeon

    Available at Mercy Hospital, 98 Mountain Road, Epsom, Auckland

  • Dr Nadya York

    Urological Surgeon

    Available at all locations.

  • Associate Professor Kamran Zargar

    Urological Surgeon

    Available at Mercy Hospital, 98 Mountain Road, Epsom, Auckland

Procedures / Treatments


The foreskin is pulled away from the body of the penis and cut off, exposing the underlying head of the penis (glans). Stitches may be required to keep the remaining edges of the foreskin in place. The foreskin is pulled away from the body of the penis and cut off, exposing the underlying head of the penis (glans). Stitches may be required to keep the remaining edges of the foreskin in place.

The foreskin is pulled away from the body of the penis and cut off, exposing the underlying head of the penis (glans). Stitches may be required to keep the remaining edges of the foreskin in place.

Colposuspension (procedure for bladder control problems)

Incisions (cuts) are made in the abdomen (stomach) to allow access to your bladder. The vagina is lifted and attached to the pelvis wall, allowing the bladder neck to be supported, thus correcting urine leakage.

Incisions (cuts) are made in the abdomen (stomach) to allow access to your bladder. The vagina is lifted and attached to the pelvis wall, allowing the bladder neck to be supported, thus correcting urine leakage.


A long, thin tube with a tiny camera attached (cystoscope) is inserted into the urinary opening and through the urethra (the tube that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body) to your bladder. This allows the urologist to view any abnormalities in your lower urinary tract and, if necessary, take a small tissue sample to look at under the microscope (biopsy).

A long, thin tube with a tiny camera attached (cystoscope) is inserted into the urinary opening and through the urethra (the tube that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body) to your bladder. This allows the urologist to view any abnormalities in your lower urinary tract and, if necessary, take a small tissue sample to look at under the microscope (biopsy).

Nephrectomy (kidney removal)

Incisions (cuts) are made in the side of the body, between the ribs and hip, to allow removal of one or both kidneys.

Incisions (cuts) are made in the side of the body, between the ribs and hip, to allow removal of one or both kidneys.

Nephrostomy (tube from kidney to remove urine)

A tube is inserted into the kidney to allow urine to drain out. The tube may drain into a bag on the outside of your body (on your back) or may drain inside your body into the bladder.

A tube is inserted into the kidney to allow urine to drain out. The tube may drain into a bag on the outside of your body (on your back) or may drain inside your body into the bladder.

Orchidopexy (procedure to correct testicle position)

A small incision (cut) is made in the groin on the side of the undescended testicle and the testicle pulled down into the scrotum. Sometimes a small cut will need to be made in the scrotum as well.

A small incision (cut) is made in the groin on the side of the undescended testicle and the testicle pulled down into the scrotum. Sometimes a small cut will need to be made in the scrotum as well.

Orchiectomy (testicle removal)

Scrotal: a small incision (cut) is made in the front of the scrotum and the testicles removed. This greatly reduces the amount of testosterone produced in the body. Inguinal: an incision is made in the groin to remove a testicle that: is undescended from childhood, has wasted away (atrophied), or has a tumour.

Scrotal: a small incision (cut) is made in the front of the scrotum and the testicles removed. This greatly reduces the amount of testosterone produced in the body.

Inguinal: an incision is made in the groin to remove a testicle that: is undescended from childhood, has wasted away (atrophied), or has a tumour.

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (kidney stone removal procedure)

A thin wire is inserted into your lower back and guided using x-ray imaging to your kidney. A small incision (cut) is then made on your back and a narrow tube is inserted and follows the guide wire to the kidney. The kidney stone(s) is then removed or broken up.

A thin wire is inserted into your lower back and guided using x-ray imaging to your kidney. A small incision (cut) is then made on your back and a narrow tube is inserted and follows the guide wire to the kidney. The kidney stone(s) is then removed or broken up.

Prostatectomy (partial or full prostate removal)

Incisions (cuts) are made in either the lower abdomen (stomach) or between the scrotum and the anus to allow removal of the enlarged parts of, or the entire, prostate gland.

Incisions (cuts) are made in either the lower abdomen (stomach) or between the scrotum and the anus to allow removal of the enlarged parts of, or the entire, prostate gland.

Bladder sling procedures

Sling procedures are common surgical operations to stop stress incontinence. This is a condition where urine leaks out when movements, such as coughing, laughing or sneezing put pressure on the bladder. Stress incontinence occurs when the muscles supporting the urethra (tube that carries the urine out of the body) become weak and the urethra no longer works well as a valve to keep the urine in the bladder. Sometimes this results from the effects of childbirth. Sling procedures provide support to the weakened muscles so the urethra won’t accidentally release urine when there is pressure on the bladder. Sling procedures are common surgical operations to stop stress incontinence. This is a condition where urine leaks out when movements, such as coughing, laughing or sneezing put pressure on the bladder. Stress incontinence occurs when the muscles supporting the urethra (tube that carries the urine out of the body) become weak and the urethra no longer works well as a valve to keep the urine in the bladder. Sometimes this results from the effects of childbirth. Sling procedures provide support to the weakened muscles so the urethra won’t accidentally release urine when there is pressure on the bladder.

Sling procedures are common surgical operations to stop stress incontinence. This is a condition where urine leaks out when movements, such as coughing, laughing or sneezing put pressure on the bladder. Stress incontinence occurs when the muscles supporting the urethra (tube that carries the urine out of the body) become weak and the urethra no longer works well as a valve to keep the urine in the bladder. Sometimes this results from the effects of childbirth. Sling procedures provide support to the weakened muscles so the urethra won’t accidentally release urine when there is pressure on the bladder.

Transurethral resection of a bladder tumour (TURBT)

A long, thin tube with a tiny camera attached (resectoscope) is inserted into the urinary opening, through the urethra and into the bladder. Instruments are passed through the resectoscope and the tumour removed.

A long, thin tube with a tiny camera attached (resectoscope) is inserted into the urinary opening, through the urethra and into the bladder. Instruments are passed through the resectoscope and the tumour removed.

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)

A long, thin tube with a tiny camera attached (resectoscope) is inserted into the urinary opening of the penis and through the urethra (the tube that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body) to your bladder. The urologist is then able to view the prostate gland and, by passing an instrument through the resectoscope, is able to remove the part of the gland that has become enlarged.

A long, thin tube with a tiny camera attached (resectoscope) is inserted into the urinary opening of the penis and through the urethra (the tube that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body) to your bladder. The urologist is then able to view the prostate gland and, by passing an instrument through the resectoscope, is able to remove the part of the gland that has become enlarged.


A long, thin tube with a tiny camera attached (ureteroscope) is inserted into the urinary opening, through the urethra (the tube that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body) and bladder to the ureters (the two tubes that drain urine from the kidneys to the bladder). This allows the urologist to view and, in some cases, treat any problems in the ureters. A long, thin tube with a tiny camera attached (ureteroscope) is inserted into the urinary opening, through the urethra (the tube that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body) and bladder to the ureters (the two tubes that drain urine from the kidneys to the bladder). This allows the urologist to view and, in some cases, treat any problems in the ureters.

A long, thin tube with a tiny camera attached (ureteroscope) is inserted into the urinary opening, through the urethra (the tube that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body) and bladder to the ureters (the two tubes that drain urine from the kidneys to the bladder). This allows the urologist to view and, in some cases, treat any problems in the ureters.

Urethroplasty (urethra repair)

An incision (cut) is made in the penis and the narrowed part of the urethra (the tube that carries urine to the outside of your body) is removed and the urethra rejoined. In balloon urethroplasty, a thin tube with a balloon attached is inserted into the opening of the penis. When it reaches the narrowed part of the urethra, the balloon is inflated, thus widening the urethra.

An incision (cut) is made in the penis and the narrowed part of the urethra (the tube that carries urine to the outside of your body) is removed and the urethra rejoined.

In balloon urethroplasty, a thin tube with a balloon attached is inserted into the opening of the penis. When it reaches the narrowed part of the urethra, the balloon is inflated, thus widening the urethra.

Disability Assistance

Wheelchair access, Mobility parking space


Mobility parking and wheelchair access are available. Click on the links for details at:

Mercy Hospital
Ascot Hospital

Contact Details

This page was last updated at 10:32AM on October 21, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by MercyAscot Urological Surgery.