Allied Health Auckland City Hospital | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai

Auckland City Hospital

Contact Details

Phone (09) 307 4967

Physiotherapy Outpatients (GCC): (09) 307 4949 ext. 27706.

Street Address

Allied Health Services
Auckland City Hospital
Level 11, Bldg. 1 (Support Bldg)
2 Park Road
Auckland 1023

Postal Address

Allied Health Services
Auckland City Hospital
Level 11, Bldg. 1
Pvt. Bag 92024
Auckland 1142


The Allied Health Service at Auckland City Hospital provides a range of services such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social work, speech language therapy and nutrition & dietetic.

Services are provided to a range of patient groups and in a variety of settings, with the majority of the workload being acute and rehabilitative interventions to inpatients at Auckland City Hospital.  In general, inpatient services are provided within the context of a multidisciplinary team. Additionally, outpatients are seen in community-based settings and outpatient facilities.  Outpatient services are provided either as part of a multidisciplinary team or with a single discipline focus, depending on patient needs and are situtated at the Greenlane site.

The contact details for each of the Teams are as follows
Service Clinical Director  Sarah Edwards Mob. 021 598 049
Physiotherapy Clinical Lead Erin van Bysterveldt Phone: (09) 307 4949 Ext.22218
 Occupational Therapy/Therapy Assistant Clinical Lead Natalie Muthoo Phone: (09) 307 4949 Ext. 22817
Social Work Clinical Lead Kristy Martin Mob. 021 570 628
Speech Language Therapy Clinical Lead Anita Markey Phone: (09) 307 4949 Ext. 22820 
 Nutrition and Dietetic Services Clinical Lead Eirean Gamble 021 560 639

For all general enquiries, please contact the Allied Health Team Administrator, Jeroo Irani on (09) 307 4949 Ext 25967.

Referral Expectations

Referral details are included in the Procedures section under each Team/Service.

Fees and Charges Description

New Zealand citizens or those who have obtained permanent residence are entitled to publicly funded health care.

Non-residents may be required to pay for their health care. If you were not born in New Zealand and have not previously shown evidence of residency you should bring your passport with you on your first visit to the hospital for verification.

You should show your passport to the Cashier's desk, next to the main reception desk on Level 5. This desk is staffed from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.


7:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

Mon – Fri 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Procedures / Treatments

Allied Health - Physiotherapy Team Clinical Support
Allied Health - Occupational Therapy/Therapy Assistants Team Clinical Support
Allied Health - Speech Language Therapy Clinical Support
Allied Health - Social Work : Adult & Women's Health Clinical Support
Allied Health - Nutrition & Dietetics Team Clinical Support