South Auckland > Public Hospital Services > Kidz First Children's Hospital & Community Health >
Kidz First Outpatient Care - Developmental, Disability and Behavioural
Public Service, Allied Health, Mental Health, Musculoskeletal, Neurology, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy (OT), Speech Language Therapy, Psychiatry
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
- Global Developmental Delay, generalised learning difficulties and intellectual disability
- Autism spectrum disorder and social communication difficulties
- Cerebral palsy and motor difficulties
- Sensory disabilities
- Chromosomal syndromic and genetic conditions
- Behavioural disorders such as ADHD when occurring in association with underlying significant delay/ intellectual disability.
Dr Rebecca Alekzander
Dr Gabrielle Ali
Dr Marguerite Dalton
Dr Elizabeth Keeling
Dr Sarah Lucas
Paediatrician (currently on parental leave)
Dr Justine McCallum
Dr Meerakumari Raithatha
Dr Katherine Rix-Trott
Dr Warwick Smith
Dr Clare Stanley
Dr Katie Tuck
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi
Referral Expectations
Manukau SuperClinic™ Referrals and Appointments Centre receives all referrals.
All referrals require parental consent for the child to be seen and for educational providers to be contacted.
Referrals are accepted from GPs, Well Child Services (e.g. Plunket), early childhood centres, schools via Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), Resource Teachers for Learning and Behaviour (RTLBs), Ministry of Education Special Education and other educational and health professionals.
Referrals cannot be accepted from parents, caregivers and whānau. Please discuss any concerns with your child's GP, early childhood centre or school.
Referrers, please scroll down for information or click on the following links:
Referral requirements for under 5 year olds
Referral requirements for children and young people 5 years and over
Children are seen by either a developmental paediatrician or a fellow (senior registrar) or in a multidisciplinary setting with a paediatrician, psychologist and speech language therapist/other discipline if appropriate and available.
Follow-up clinics are provided by paediatric doctors or clinical nurse specialist.
Our goal is to help children and families with developmental difficulties.
Referral requirements for under 5 year olds
Referrals for children under 5 years must clearly identify the area of concern and provide detailed developmental history supported by information from parent, Kidz First Pre-school Report/early childhood centre reports and any professional reports (e.g. Ministry of Education Special Education). For information on how to obtain detailed developmental history please refer to the following website
Referral requirements for children and young people 5 years and over
Referrals for children and young people 5 years of age and older must clearly identify the areas of concern and provide detailed developmental and school history supported by information from parent, Kidz First School Report and any professional reports (e.g. Ministry of Education Special Education).
Referrals need to describe in detail the concerns to be addressed and be accompanied by:
- good quality information from the class teacher
- special education needs co-ordinator (SENCO)
- resource teacher for learning and behaviour (RTLB)
- Ministry of Education Special Education (MOESE).
In the absence of a detailed professional's report, referrals must be accompanied by a Kidz First School Report Form.
If referrals are received without a school report, the service will contact that school and request that information directly. Referrers must let the family know this and gain their consent prior to sending in the referral.
Following confirmation of eligibility and receipt of additional information the referral is then reviewed and prioritised.
This may result in the following:
- appointment offered
- managed as a 'virtual' appointment with a clinical plan of care being communicated to the referrer and caregiver
- referred to another service.
Appointments are made over the phone, a letter is sent to the family and a text reminder is sent the day before.
Fees and Charges Description
There are no charges for services to public patients if you are lawfully in New Zealand and meet one of the Eligibility Direction’s specified criteria set by the Ministry of Health.
If you do not meet the criteria, you will be required to pay for the full costs of any medical treatment you receive during your stay.
To check whether you meet the specified eligibility criteria, visit the Ministry of Health website
CM Health has an eligibility team who can assist with any patient enquiries. If you have any queries, please phone: (09) 276 0060 or fax: (09) 276 0295.
More information available on the Counties Manukau Health website.
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Mon – Fri | 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM |
Sat | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM |
Saturday clinics are only for B4 School checks with Plunket and Immunisations.
Document Downloads
Kidz First School Report Template
(PDF, 164 KB)
January 2025
Free parking is provided for patients and families on site at Manukau SuperClinic™ and all our locality clinics.
There is no on site pharmacy at Manukau SuperClinic™.
Kidshealth is a child and youth health information website to support parents and health professionals. The Kidshealth site includes important information such as keeping children well, medical conditions and helping families through many health complexities such as disability, education and accessing welfare assistance. Material has been developed with substantial input from many professionals, experts and parents from all over the country.
The site is a joint initiative between the Starship Foundation and the Paediatric Society of New Zealand.
Contact Details
Manukau SuperClinic™
South Auckland
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
09 250 8014
Street Address
Manukau SuperClinic Module 4
901 Great South Road
Postal Address
Module 4
Manukau SuperClinic™
PO Box 98743
Manukau 2241
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This page was last updated at 2:05PM on March 25, 2025. This information is reviewed and edited by Kidz First Outpatient Care - Developmental, Disability and Behavioural.