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Clinical Physiology | Lakes

Public Service, Allied Health

Exercise Treadmill Tests (ETT)

Exercise Treadmill Tests are only performed at Rotorua Hospital.

An ECG done when you are resting may be normal even when you have cardiovascular disease.  During an exercise treadmill test (ETT) the heart is made to work harder so that if there is any narrowing of the heart blood vessels resulting in poor blood supply it is more likely to be picked up on the tracing as your heart goes faster.

For this test you will walk on a treadmill while your heart is monitored. The treadmill gets progressively faster but you can stop at any time. This test is supervised and interpreted by a clinical physiologist, cardiac nurse or doctor as you go. This test is used to see if you have any evidence of cardiovascular disease and can give some idea as to how severe it might be so as to direct further tests and possible treatment.

This page was last updated at 1:13PM on June 16, 2024.