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National Child Rehabilitation Service | Waitematā
Public Service, Allied Health, Paediatrics, Rehabilitation Medicine
“Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti aroha o tātau mahi”
“Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work”
The National Child Rehabilitation Service at the Wilson Centre offers a comprehensive, whānau-centred rehabilitation service for children 0-16 years old or whilst still at school. We provide tertiary level rehabilitation for children and young people nationwide, with neurological, orthopaedic, spinal and other complex conditions requiring intensive rehabilitation.
This includes inpatient, day patient (multiple sessions per day) and outpatient options (single sessions per day). Specialist outpatient clinics are also held on site.
Situated on beautiful grounds in Hauraki, on Auckland’s North Shore, we work together with you and your whānau to develop a goal-orientated programme tailored to meet your child's and whānau’s needs.
The interdisciplinary team includes 24-hour support and care provided by skilled professionals including: Rehabilitation Specialists, Registered Nurses, Enrolled Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Therapists, Social Workers, Neuropsychologists, Play Specialists, Therapy Assistants, Health Care Assistants and whānau support workers. The rehabilitation school classroom is staffed by the Northern Health Schools.
See below for our Frequently Asked Questions
“Mā mu aka kite a muri, Mā muri ka ora a mua”
“Those who lead give sight to those who follow; those who follow give life to those who lead”
Referral Expectations
Criteria for admission
• The tamariki/rangatahi, child/young person:
– Has a complex presentation requiring specialised rehabilitation to maximise functional potential.
– Is under 16 years of age or whilst still in full time education and under paediatric care – (18yo if long term disability and still in school).
– Must be medically stable.
– Has to have an Identified Lead Paediatric Consultant, and/or a link to a tertiary consultant.
– Must be able and ready to participate in a rehabilitation programme which is family centred, goal directed and time framed.
– Must have an identified primary caregiver who can be a resident for inpatient stays.
How to refer
- If under Northern region, please complete E-referral
o ‘National Child Rehabilitation (Wilson Centre)’ if home team is lead consultant and not under rehabilitation paediatricians.
o ‘Paediatric Rehabilitation Service’ if wanting to be managed under the rehabilitation paediatricians.
- If outside of northern region, please complete the form below and send to
- General Visiting Hours: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Please speak to the team if wishing to visit outside these hours
Services Provided
My role is to make sure you and your whānau receive the highest standard of care. I provide leadership and management for the National Child Rehabilitation team. You can come to me for any feedback during your stay with us.
My role is to make sure you and your whānau receive the highest standard of care. I provide leadership and management for the National Child Rehabilitation team. You can come to me for any feedback during your stay with us.
My role is to make sure you and your whānau receive the highest standard of care. I provide leadership and management for the National Child Rehabilitation team. You can come to me for any feedback during your stay with us.
Can work with children who have feeding difficulties and may require tube feeding and/or need support with managing their weight and nutrition. I can also support children returning to a healthy balanced diet following their time in hospital. Can work with children who have feeding difficulties and may require tube feeding and/or need support with managing their weight and nutrition. I can also support children returning to a healthy balanced diet following their time in hospital.
Can work with children who have feeding difficulties and may require tube feeding and/or need support with managing their weight and nutrition. I can also support children returning to a healthy balanced diet following their time in hospital. Can work with children who have feeding difficulties and may require tube feeding and/or need support with managing their weight and nutrition. I can also support children returning to a healthy balanced diet following their time in hospital.
Can work with children who have feeding difficulties and may require tube feeding and/or need support with managing their weight and nutrition. I can also support children returning to a healthy balanced diet following their time in hospital.
Qualified nurses will liaise with the rehabilitation doctor or specialist to make sure that your child’s medical needs are assessed and ensure optimal health is maintained. The nurses and health care assistant work with the rest of the team to ensure a 24-hour approach to rehabilitation. The nurses will be the initial point of contact for children and families around the clock. They offer assistance with practical issues and support carryover of therapy. The nurses will work with and support you in learning new skills that may be needed in caring for your child.
Qualified nurses will liaise with the rehabilitation doctor or specialist to make sure that your child’s medical needs are assessed and ensure optimal health is maintained. The nurses and health care assistant work with the rest of the team to ensure a 24-hour approach to rehabilitation. The nurses will be the initial point of contact for children and families around the clock. They offer assistance with practical issues and support carryover of therapy. The nurses will work with and support you in learning new skills that may be needed in caring for your child.
Qualified nurses will liaise with the rehabilitation doctor or specialist to make sure that your child’s medical needs are assessed and ensure optimal health is maintained. The nurses and health care assistant work with the rest of the team to ensure a 24-hour approach to rehabilitation. The nurses will be the initial point of contact for children and families around the clock. They offer assistance with practical issues and support carryover of therapy. The nurses will work with and support you in learning new skills that may be needed in caring for your child.
Are in involved in supporting children in all areas of daily life. This will be different for each child depending on their age and interests. It might include: Helping to establish a daily routine and support independence e.g. with dressing, bathing, toileting etc. Developing play/leisure activities Supporting the development of problem-solving strategies to manage daily life including school/pre-school Encouraging children to use both hands for play and daily tasks Supporting children with visual and sensory needs Transitioning home and to the community including school/pre-school Provision of equipment if needed Are in involved in supporting children in all areas of daily life. This will be different for each child depending on their age and interests. It might include: Helping to establish a daily routine and support independence e.g. with dressing, bathing, toileting etc. Developing play/leisure activities Supporting the development of problem-solving strategies to manage daily life including school/pre-school Encouraging children to use both hands for play and daily tasks Supporting children with visual and sensory needs Transitioning home and to the community including school/pre-school Provision of equipment if needed
Are in involved in supporting children in all areas of daily life. This will be different for each child depending on their age and interests. It might include: Helping to establish a daily routine and support independence e.g. with dressing, bathing, toileting etc. Developing play/leisure activities Supporting the development of problem-solving strategies to manage daily life including school/pre-school Encouraging children to use both hands for play and daily tasks Supporting children with visual and sensory needs Transitioning home and to the community including school/pre-school Provision of equipment if needed Are in involved in supporting children in all areas of daily life. This will be different for each child depending on their age and interests. It might include: Helping to establish a daily routine and support independence e.g. with dressing, bathing, toileting etc. Developing play/leisure activities Supporting the development of problem-solving strategies to manage daily life including school/pre-school Encouraging children to use both hands for play and daily tasks Supporting children with visual and sensory needs Transitioning home and to the community including school/pre-school Provision of equipment if needed
Are in involved in supporting children in all areas of daily life. This will be different for each child depending on their age and interests. It might include:
- Helping to establish a daily routine and support independence e.g. with dressing, bathing, toileting etc.
- Developing play/leisure activities
- Supporting the development of problem-solving strategies to manage daily life including school/pre-school
- Encouraging children to use both hands for play and daily tasks
- Supporting children with visual and sensory needs
- Transitioning home and to the community including school/pre-school
- Provision of equipment if needed
You might get a phone call or email from us just before your child comes to NCRS to make sure everything is in order, as we ensure your child’s medication chart matches up with the medication they are currently taking.
You might get a phone call or email from us just before your child comes to NCRS to make sure everything is in order, as we ensure your child’s medication chart matches up with the medication they are currently taking.
You might get a phone call or email from us just before your child comes to NCRS to make sure everything is in order, as we ensure your child’s medication chart matches up with the medication they are currently taking.
We have specialist understanding of child development and childhood conditions that can impact movement and posture. Physiotherapy might include: Improving independence of how a child moves Strengthening and stretching/positioning Working on physical abilities during daily activities e.g. how they get in and out of bed, sitting or standing and walking Balance and coordination retraining Endurance and fatigue management Provision of equipment if needed e.g. walking aids and orthotics if required We have specialist understanding of child development and childhood conditions that can impact movement and posture. Physiotherapy might include: Improving independence of how a child moves Strengthening and stretching/positioning Working on physical abilities during daily activities e.g. how they get in and out of bed, sitting or standing and walking Balance and coordination retraining Endurance and fatigue management Provision of equipment if needed e.g. walking aids and orthotics if required
We have specialist understanding of child development and childhood conditions that can impact movement and posture. Physiotherapy might include: Improving independence of how a child moves Strengthening and stretching/positioning Working on physical abilities during daily activities e.g. how they get in and out of bed, sitting or standing and walking Balance and coordination retraining Endurance and fatigue management Provision of equipment if needed e.g. walking aids and orthotics if required We have specialist understanding of child development and childhood conditions that can impact movement and posture. Physiotherapy might include: Improving independence of how a child moves Strengthening and stretching/positioning Working on physical abilities during daily activities e.g. how they get in and out of bed, sitting or standing and walking Balance and coordination retraining Endurance and fatigue management Provision of equipment if needed e.g. walking aids and orthotics if required
We have specialist understanding of child development and childhood conditions that can impact movement and posture. Physiotherapy might include:
- Improving independence of how a child moves
- Strengthening and stretching/positioning
- Working on physical abilities during daily activities e.g. how they get in and out of bed, sitting or standing and walking
- Balance and coordination retraining
- Endurance and fatigue management
- Provision of equipment if needed e.g. walking aids and orthotics if required
We are qualified early childhood teachers who have extra training in the needs of the children engaged in rehab. We provide therapeutic play and recreation programmes for all children, both individually and in groups. We may prepare children for interventions and help them cope with worries or fears. We often work alongside therapists in sessions to provide a playful approach to therapy that supports their learning and development.
We are qualified early childhood teachers who have extra training in the needs of the children engaged in rehab. We provide therapeutic play and recreation programmes for all children, both individually and in groups. We may prepare children for interventions and help them cope with worries or fears. We often work alongside therapists in sessions to provide a playful approach to therapy that supports their learning and development.
We are qualified early childhood teachers who have extra training in the needs of the children engaged in rehab. We provide therapeutic play and recreation programmes for all children, both individually and in groups. We may prepare children for interventions and help them cope with worries or fears. We often work alongside therapists in sessions to provide a playful approach to therapy that supports their learning and development.
Work together with a child and their whanau to help them communicate as best they can in their daily life. This may focus on: How they understand spoken and written language How they express themselves using spoken words, written language, sign or a communication system Thinking/cognition (e.g. attention, processing, organization of thoughts) and how this impacts on communication Safe and independent eating, drinking and swallowing Support with learning in the classroom Work together with a child and their whanau to help them communicate as best they can in their daily life. This may focus on: How they understand spoken and written language How they express themselves using spoken words, written language, sign or a communication system Thinking/cognition (e.g. attention, processing, organization of thoughts) and how this impacts on communication Safe and independent eating, drinking and swallowing Support with learning in the classroom
Work together with a child and their whanau to help them communicate as best they can in their daily life. This may focus on: How they understand spoken and written language How they express themselves using spoken words, written language, sign or a communication system Thinking/cognition (e.g. attention, processing, organization of thoughts) and how this impacts on communication Safe and independent eating, drinking and swallowing Support with learning in the classroom Work together with a child and their whanau to help them communicate as best they can in their daily life. This may focus on: How they understand spoken and written language How they express themselves using spoken words, written language, sign or a communication system Thinking/cognition (e.g. attention, processing, organization of thoughts) and how this impacts on communication Safe and independent eating, drinking and swallowing Support with learning in the classroom
Work together with a child and their whānau to help them communicate as best they can in their daily life. This may focus on:
- How they understand spoken and written language
- How they express themselves using spoken words, written language, sign or a communication system
- Thinking/cognition (e.g. attention, processing, organization of thoughts) and how this impacts on communication
- Safe and independent eating, drinking and swallowing
- Support with learning in the classroom
Work closely with therapists to support children by: Providing additional hands-on support during therapy Helping to make therapy sessions fun - playing games or doing activities such as baking, arts/crafts Looking after equipment and resources Carrying out therapy maintenance programmes
Work closely with therapists to support children by: Providing additional hands-on support during therapy Helping to make therapy sessions fun - playing games or doing activities such as baking, arts/crafts Looking after equipment and resources Carrying out therapy maintenance programmes
Work closely with therapists to support children by:
- Providing additional hands-on support during therapy
- Helping to make therapy sessions fun - playing games or doing activities such as baking, arts/crafts
- Looking after equipment and resources
- Carrying out therapy maintenance programmes
Kia Ora Koutou, Ko Hine ahau, hei kaimahi whānau ora. I work across multiple services supporting staff and whānau delivering Tikanga Māori based care.
Kia Ora Koutou, Ko Hine ahau, hei kaimahi whānau ora. I work across multiple services supporting staff and whānau delivering Tikanga Māori based care.
Kia Ora Koutou, Ko Hine ahau, hei kaimahi whānau ora. I work across multiple services supporting staff and whānau delivering Tikanga Māori based care.
Document Downloads
- Out of Area Referral Form (DOCX, 402.4 KB)
We have free parking with disabled spaces available.
Most children usually start their stay in 'Kōtare/ Villa 1' where there is 24-hour nursing care available. This allows us to get to know your child and establish a routine. There is an extra bed in the child's room for parents/guardians to stay.
There is also an allocated 'Parent Accommodation' 1 bedroom unit, which may cater for additional whānau. This is a singular or shared unit which includes toileting, washing and kitchen facilities.
Frequently asked Questions (FAQ's)
How long will we be at NCRS?
Each child and whānau’s journey is different. Some children will stay for a pre-arranged amount of time. The length of stay for others will be dependent on their progress and goals. Please let us know if you have any whānau or work commitments that may impact your length of stay.
What do we do during downtime and at weekends?
It is important that your child gets the right amount of rest and activity. Your rehab team will help you to work out the right balance and will give you ideas for suitable activities.
When can my child go off-site?
Please discuss with your rehab team if you are wanting to take your child off-site. In order to keep your child safe, the rehab team (including rehab doctors) will need to assess your child to find out if it is safe for them to go out - this process could take a few days. Things we may look at include:
- Equipment needs
- Ability to get in and out of the car safely
- Safety
- Fatigue
Do I need to pay for equipment?
If your child needs essential equipment, one of your therapists can apply for funding through the Ministry of Health (MOH) or ACC.
Can I take photos and videos of my child?
Please gain the permission from the therapist working with your child. In shared therapy areas, please keep staff and other children out of the photos to respect their privacy.
What supports are available after leaving NCRS?
Working together, we will help identify appropriate supports for when your child goes home. This may include therapy input, support in Kura /school/pre-school, support at home etc.
How do I give feedback?
We value feedback from patients and families on the service they received and their patient experience Your feedback and suggestions help us to make sure we provide the best possible care. If you have a compliment, suggestion, criticism or complaint we’d like to hear about it:
- Talk it through with any member of your team
- Give feedback to Carolyn Davies, Rehabilitation Service and Site Manager or Hannah Harper, Charge Nurse Manager
- There is also the opportunity for you and your child to give anonymous feedback at the end of your stay through our electronic patient satisfaction survey
- You can contact WDHB Quality team by phone: (09) 486 8920 Ext 43153; submit a feedback form online or send feedback by post
A video tour of the National Child Rehabilitation Centre
Contact Details
Wilson Centre for Children, Takapuna, Auckland
North Auckland
(09) 488 4688
Street Address
1 Saint Leonards Road
Auckland 0622
Postal Address
Private Bag 93517
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This page was last updated at 11:01AM on March 19, 2025. This information is reviewed and edited by National Child Rehabilitation Service | Waitematā.
Are available to support whanau with their unique needs. This might include practical supports (WINZ, finances, housing, transport), emotional support, advocacy, and the overall care and safety of children and their families. We may also work alongside the key worker to co-ordinate discharge planning in consultation with a range of external agencies.
Are available to support whānau with their unique needs. This might include practical supports (WINZ, finances, housing, transport), emotional support, advocacy, and the overall care and safety of children and their families. We may also work alongside the key worker to co-ordinate discharge planning in consultation with a range of external agencies.