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Community Midwifery Service | Counties Manukau
Public Service, Community, Midwifery
There are four teams of community midwives:
- Botany Downs Birthing Unit midwives look after the Botany Downs area including Pakuranga, Ōtara and Flat Bush.
- Papakura Birthing Unit midwives look after people who live in the Papakura/Takanini area.
- Pukekohe Birthing Unit midwives will look after you if you live in Pukekohe, Tuakau or Waiuku areas.
- The Community Midwifery Service at Manukau covers these Counties Manukau areas: Ōtāhuhu, Māngere, Manukau, Papatoetoe and Manurewa, as well as providing care for those living outside Counties Manukau areas but intending to birth at Middlemore Hospital. They will invite you to attend a clinic in the community
While you are pregnant your midwife will:
- give you advice on keeping yourself healthy in pregnancy
- monitor your progress regularly
- look for any signs that your or your baby are becoming unwell
- order blood tests and ultrasound scans as required.
Please make sure you attend your appointments and take any tests promptly so that any problems can be found early. If there are problems you will be referred to a hospital specialist who will plan your care with you and your midwife.
Your midwife will talk to you about what you want for your pregnancy, labour and birth, and plan your care with you. It is a good idea to attend pregnancy education sessions especially if this is your first baby.
After your baby is born your midwife will:
- visit you at home the day after you leave the hospital or birthing unit. If baby must stay in hospital your midwife will contact you to organise care at a place that suits you.
- assess your health and wellbeing needs and provide plans for your care
- advise you about abnormal vaginal blood loss and what to do if it is very heavy
- offer you support and advice about looking after your baby
- explain and, if you agree, undertake any blood tests the baby may need
- explain about the importance of a smoke-free environment for baby and sleeping baby on their back in a safe space.
- record baby's progress in their Well Child Book at each visit.
Your midwife will let you know when she will be visiting again. If you will not be home when she is due to visit, please let her know so another time can be made. Keep in touch!
Your midwife will transfer the care of your baby to a Well Child Tamariki Ora Service before your baby is six weeks old. The Well Child provider should contact you before you are discharged from the care of the midwife or doctor who is your lead maternity carer (LMC).
Call 111 for any urgent health needs for you or your baby.
How do I access this service?
Contact us
To arrange midwifery care you can:
- contact one of the birthing units
- call the Community Midwifery Service office for non-urgent questions on 09 250 3891 (daily from 8am to 4pm) or to speak to a midwife call 0800 995 577
- phone Maternity Administration at Middlemore Hospital on 09 276 0187 (Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4pm).
Your information will be passed on to a midwife in your area who will contact you directly.
Call 111 for any urgent health needs for you or your baby.
Birthing Facilities Midwife/s Attend
Botany Downs Birthing Unit
Click on the following link for more information on Botany Downs Birthing Unit.
Counties Manukau Health - Middlemore Hospital
Click on the following link for more information on Counties Manukau Health - Middlemore Hospital.
Papakura Birthing Unit
Click on the following link for more information on Papakura Birthing Unit.
Pukekohe Birthing Unit
Click on the following link for more information on Pukekohe Birthing Unit.

Contact Details
Papakura Primary Birthing Unit
South Auckland
(09) 299 9102
(09) 299 9104
Street Address
Papakura Primary Birthing Unit
2 Clevedon Road
Papakura 2110
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This page was last updated at 4:17PM on December 16, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Community Midwifery Service | Counties Manukau.