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Diabetes in Pregnancy Service | Counties Manukau

Public Service, Community, Obstetrics (Maternity), Midwifery


Diabetes in Pregnancy Service

This service provides close monitoring of your pregnancy if you have pre-existing diabetes or develop diabetes during your pregnancy (gestational diabetes). The service consists of midwives, obstetricians, diabetes specialists, and dietitians.

In most cases you can continue to have antenatal care from your self employed midwife or named community midwife. Some women may have all their antenatal and postnatal care up to six weeks after birth with the diabetes in pregnancy service specialists and midwives, rather than with a self-employed midwife or Te Whatu Ora community midwife. If this is the best option for you, the diabetes service provides clinics for antenatal diabetes care and diabetes midwives can also visit you at home to provide the diabetes care you may need.

If you have been told you have diabetes before you are pregnant, it is important to plan for your pregnancy. See your GP or practice nurse to talk about planning for a pregnancy with diabetes to make sure you are in the best health for you and baby. If you are already pregnant see your GP right away to be referred to the diabetes in pregnancy service.

How do I access this service?

Contact us

Make an appointment


Appointments are made once a written referral is received from a GP, midwife or a direct self referral from women who have been under the service before.

Appointments for the Diabetes in Pregnancy Service are made through Maternity Administration at Middlemore Hospital.

You can telephone Maternity Administration on 09 276 0187. All enquiries can be made Monday to Friday 8.00 -16.00hrs.

All Referrals to all the Maternity Services at Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau are processed by a midwife who reviews the information and arranges further appointments for maternity care.

Languages Spoken


Birthing Facilities Midwife/s Attend

Counties Manukau Health - Middlemore Hospital

Click on the following link for more information on Counties Manukau Health - Middlemore Hospital.

Birthing and Assessment

Services Provided

Pregnancy care

Your midwife will provide pregnancy care including regular checkups, organising any tests as required and planning your labour plan. Pregnancy care is free for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents. For more information view the New Zealand Government website. How do we look after you and your baby? The Diabetes in Pregnancy Service holds clinics at Manukau SuperClinic (Module 10). You will be invited to attend a group meeting where the Midwife and Dietitian speak with you about: How the clinic works and how often you will be invited to attend the clinic or scans How the diabetes may affect you and your baby Making diet and lifestyle changes to manage your diabetes in pregnancy How to test your blood sugars at home How to manage your diabetes with medication when diet changes are not enough You will then have an individual appointment with the rest of the diabetes in pregnancy team to plan the care for the rest of your pregnancy to keep you and your baby well. The diabetes midwife will continue to keep in touch with you to help and support you to manage your blood sugars.

Your midwife will provide pregnancy care including regular checkups, organising any tests as required and planning your labour plan. Pregnancy care is free for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents. For more information view the New Zealand Government website.

How do we look after you and your baby?

The Diabetes in Pregnancy Service holds clinics at Manukau SuperClinic (Module 10).

You will be invited to attend a group meeting where the Midwife and Dietitian speak with you about:

  • How the clinic works and how often you will be invited to attend the clinic or scans
  • How the diabetes may affect you and your baby
  • Making diet and lifestyle changes to manage your diabetes in pregnancy
  • How to test your blood sugars at home
  • How to manage your diabetes with medication when diet changes are not enough

You will then have an individual appointment with the rest of the diabetes in pregnancy team to plan the care for the rest of your pregnancy to keep you and your baby well.

The diabetes midwife will continue to keep in touch with you to help and support you to manage your blood sugars.

Staying at a birthing centre or hospital after giving birth

Your stay at a birthing centre or hospital after giving birth will usually be up to 2 days, or 2-5 days if you have had a caesarean. During this time you will have regular visits from your midwife and be supported to care and feed your baby. After the birth you will be tired and busy getting to know your new baby. Most women who have had a normal birth stay in the hospital or birth centre for 48 hours. If you have had a caesarean section, the usual hospital stay is 3-5 days. There may be an option to have your postnatal stay in one of the locally situated primary birthing units if you have given birth at hospital. Some women choose to go straight home after birth, this is called a planned early discharge. Talk to your midwife about your postnatal stay and make sure your family know what your plan is. If you had diabetes before your pregnancy a diabetes specialist doctor will review your care plan before you go home.

Your stay at a birthing centre or hospital after giving birth will usually be up to 2 days, or 2-5 days if you have had a caesarean. During this time you will have regular visits from your midwife and be supported to care and feed your baby.

After the birth you will be tired and busy getting to know your new baby. Most women who have had a normal birth stay in the hospital or birth centre for 48 hours. If you have had a caesarean section, the usual hospital stay is 3-5 days. There may be an option to have your postnatal stay in one of the locally situated primary birthing units if you have given birth at hospital. Some women choose to go straight home after birth, this is called a planned early discharge. Talk to your midwife about your postnatal stay and make sure your family know what your plan is. If you had diabetes before your pregnancy a diabetes specialist doctor will review your care plan before you go home.

Home visits from a midwife (from birth to age 4 - 6 weeks)

Your midwife will provide weekly home visits from after you give birth to when your baby / pēpi is 4-6 weeks old. Your midwife will provide support, assist with breastfeeding and monitor your baby’s growth and development. If you have had diabetes before your pregnancy the diabetes midwife will continue to contact you to help you with managing your diabetes after your baby is born and to arrange an appointment with the diabetes specialist.

Your midwife will provide weekly home visits from after you give birth to when your baby / pēpi is 4-6 weeks old. Your midwife will provide support, assist with breastfeeding and monitor your baby’s growth and development.

If you have had diabetes before your pregnancy the diabetes midwife will continue to contact you to help you with managing your diabetes after your baby is born and to arrange an appointment with the diabetes specialist.

Gestational diabetes (temporary diabetes of pregnancy)

Contact Details

Manukau SuperClinic™

South Auckland

Manukau SuperClinic™ has a Call Centre to receive incoming calls related to outpatient services. The Call Centre is open to receive calls between 7:30 AM and 6:00 PM Monday to Friday.

Information about this location

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Get directions

Street Address

901 Great South Road

Postal Address

Manukau SuperClinic™
PO Box 98743
Manukau City
Manukau 2241

This page was last updated at 2:15PM on December 10, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Diabetes in Pregnancy Service | Counties Manukau.