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Haematology Service - Clinical and Laboratory | Counties Manukau

Public Service, Haematology


Haematology is the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs. Such disorders may involve the:
  • components of blood (cells and plasma)
  • coagulation process (blood clotting)
  • blood cell formation  (bone marrow)
  • production of haemoglobin (oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells)
  • lymph nodes
To help in the diagnosis of blood disorders you will need to be interviewed and examined by a doctor and then will probably need to have blood samples taken for analysis in the laboratory.  You may also need to have x-rays,a  bone marrow sample or a tissue biopsy. 
The results will be assessed, discussed with you by a specialist and a treatment plan developed. 
Some of the blood tests you may require include:
  • FBC (Full Blood Count): gives information on the number of cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets) in the blood
  • Coagulation/Clotting Screen:  a group of tests to check coagulation or clotting function
Middlemore Haematology Services Hours:
Outpatient Clinics:   08:30 am to 4:30 pm weekdays
Day Stay:               08:00 am to 4:30 pm weekdays
Directions to the Haematology Day Ward & Clinic:
From the train station entrance, straight ahead, right into the "Rainbow Corridor".  Turn left into the Edmund Hillary Building.  Level 1, straight through the double doors.  Check in at Reception on the left.
From the main entrance the Edmund Hillary Block entrance is just past the shops (on the right).

For feedback on this service page, please contact Jenny Armstrong, Secretary, Ph: (09) 276  0044 ext 59744.

Please note -  there is ongoing development of this service page.


Referral Expectations

For initial information about patients with haematological disorders, please refer to the Auckland Regional Health Pathways. 


Referrals to CMDHB Haematology should be made by the E referral platform


For EXTERNAL referrals please email :   Haematology.Admin@middlemore.co.nz

Please put in the subject line:            THIS IS A REFERRAL

Fees and Charges Description

There are no charges for services to public patients if you are lawfully in New Zealand and meet  the specified eligibility criteria set by the Ministry of Health.  If you do not meet the criteria, you will be required to pay for the full costs of any medical treatment you receive during your stay.

To check whether you meet the specified eligibility criteria, visit the Ministry of Health website www.moh.govt.nz/eligibility


Day Ward:  08:00 - 16:00

Procedures / Treatments

Bone Marrow Biopsy

The bone marrow is where the blood cells are made. A bone marrow biopsy involves taking a sample of bone marrow, usually from the hip bone to see how well the bone marrow is functioning. Bone marrow biopsies are performed in the Haematology Day Ward and are part of the diagnostic tool for a number of conditions including leukaemias, lymphomas, multiple myeloma, pancytopenia and anaemia. Bone marrow biopsies are performed in the Haematology Day Ward usually with sedation so it is essential you have someone to collect you after the procedure. Bone Marrow Biopsy Patient Info Handout (PDF, 312.2 KB)

The bone marrow is where the blood cells are made.  A bone marrow biopsy involves taking a sample of bone marrow, usually from the hip bone to see how well the bone marrow is functioning.  Bone marrow biopsies are performed in the Haematology Day Ward and are part of the diagnostic tool for a number of conditions including leukaemias, lymphomas, multiple myeloma, pancytopenia and anaemia.

Bone marrow biopsies are performed in the Haematology Day Ward usually with sedation so it is essential you have someone to collect you after the procedure. 

Blood Tests

Blood tests are an important part of monitoring haematology conditions. They may be done at either your local LabTests or at the Counties Manukau, Middlemore Hospital Laboratory either on site at Middlemore or at the Manukau Superclinic. You may require Full Blood Count (FBC), coagulation and biochemistry tests – monitoring of kidney and renal function.

Blood tests are an important part of monitoring haematology conditions.  They may be done at either your local LabTests or at the Counties Manukau, Middlemore Hospital Laboratory either on site at Middlemore or at the Manukau Superclinic.

You may require Full Blood Count (FBC), coagulation and biochemistry tests –  monitoring of kidney and renal function.

Red Cell Transfusion

Red cell (blood) transfusions are given to treat symptomatic anaemia. For haematology patients, these are given in the Haematology Day Ward. Two or three units of red cells are usually given and each unit takes approximately two hours.

Red cell (blood) transfusions are given to treat symptomatic anaemia.  For haematology patients, these are given in the Haematology Day Ward.  Two or three units of red cells are usually given and each unit takes approximately two hours. 

Iron Infusions

These are given to patients with anaemia due to a deficiency of iron. They are usually prescribed when a trial of iron tablets has been unsuccessful. The iron solution is given through an intravenous drip in your hand or arm.

These are given to patients with anaemia due to a deficiency of iron.  They are usually prescribed when a trial of iron tablets has been unsuccessful.  The iron solution is given through an intravenous drip in your hand or arm.


Venesections are performed to remove red blood cells or iron from the body. They are commonly performed to treat haemochromatosis, which is an inherited disorder where the iron in the food you consume is absorbed into your body over and above your needs. It is then stored in the organs of the body.

Venesections are performed to remove red blood cells or iron from the body.  They are commonly performed to treat haemochromatosis, which is an inherited disorder where the iron in the food you consume is absorbed into your body over and above your needs. It is then stored in the organs of the body.   


A wide range of chemotherapy is given in the Haematology Day Ward. Information leaflets specific to each regimen will be given to you prior to commencing therapy and you will have an education session to make sure you are fully informed about side effects and what things to watch out for whilst you are having treatment.

A wide range of chemotherapy is given in the Haematology Day Ward.  Information leaflets specific to each regimen will be given to you prior to commencing therapy and you will have an education session to make sure you are fully informed about side effects and what things to watch out for whilst you are having treatment.

Blood Transfusions

Blood Transfusions for people with haematological conditions are done in the Haematology Day Ward. Most people will require 2 - 3 units of blood and each bag takes about 2 hours to infuse. Before a transfusion can take place a cross match blood test needs to be sent to Middlemore Hospital Blood Bank so that the right blood can be matched for the patient. If you have never received blood before or longer than 3 months previously there is a 7 day time period that the blood must be transfused in. If you have had a transfusion within the last 3 months, the transfusion must be completed within 72 hours of the cross match being taken.

Blood Transfusions for people with haematological conditions are done in the Haematology Day Ward.  Most people will require 2 - 3 units of blood and each bag takes about 2 hours to infuse.  Before a transfusion can take place a cross match blood test needs to be sent to Middlemore Hospital Blood Bank so that the right blood can be matched for the patient. 

If you have never received blood before or longer than 3 months previously there is a 7 day time period that the blood must be transfused in.

If you have had a transfusion within the last 3 months, the transfusion must be completed within 72 hours of the cross match being taken. 

Lumbar Puncture

A lumbar puncture, also called a spinal tap, is a procedure to collect and look at the cerebrospinal fluids surrounding the brain and spinal cord. These may be done as part of staging for lymphoma.

A lumbar puncture, also called a spinal tap, is a procedure to collect and look at the cerebrospinal fluids surrounding the brain and spinal cord.  These may be done as part of staging for lymphoma. 

Warfarin Education Programme

The Warfarin Education Programme has been developed for healthcare professionals to use for providing structured comprehensive education for their patients. If you have any enquiries about, or problems with, any aspects of your warfarin therapy, please discuss these with your doctor.

The Warfarin Education Programme has been developed for healthcare professionals to use for providing structured comprehensive education for their patients. 

If you have any enquiries about, or problems with, any aspects of your warfarin therapy, please discuss these with your doctor.

Visiting Hours

Haematology Inpatient Ward 2.  Family and whānau are allowed to be with the patient throughout the stay to assist with their care.

Contact Details

Middlemore Hospital

South Auckland

Haematology Day Ward - Nurses Station Direct Line
Ph: (09) 270 4718 

Haematology Day Ward & Clinics - Haematology Clerk Direct Line
Ph: (09) 276 0038

Inpatients - Ward 31
Ph: (09) 276 0000

Haematology Secretary - Jenny Armstrong
Monday - Thursday 07:30 - 15:30 / Ph: (09) 276 0044 ext 59744

Haematology Typist - Cherie Polwart - Works from home | email:  Cherri.Polwart@middlemore.co.nz
Monday - Friday 06:00 - 14:00

Information about this location

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Street Address

Middlemore Haematology Services - Haematology Laboratory
Staff Entrance (opposite railway station) & The New Main Entrance
Middlemore Hospital
Hospital Road
Auckland 1640

Postal Address

Haematology Department
Middlemore Hospital
Private Bag 93311
Auckland 1640

This page was last updated at 10:02AM on August 12, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Haematology Service - Clinical and Laboratory | Counties Manukau.