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Infectious Diseases | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai

Public Service, Infectious Diseases

Community HIV Team

Our mission is to work in partnership with people living with HIV and their communities to foster resilience and independence aimed at improving their quality of life and mana.

We strive to provide a manaakitanga rich service by welcoming and supporting our patients to feel valued and working to eliminate the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV.

This team consists of a Nurse Practitioner, 3 Nurse Specialists and a Social Worker who provide a free, confidential service to adults and children affected by HIV, Monday - Friday (9am - 5pm).  Community HIV Team: Phone: (09) 375 7077 confidential service (direct dial).   
The service is very much patient-directed and is available to people in hospital, the community and at outpatient clinics.
The aims of the team are:
to educate about HIV infection
to help reduce admissions to hospital
to help patients understand how best to take their medications
to provide a link between specialists and their patients
to support patients who feel isolated and alone with this illness
to help patients with applications for Work and Income, Housing and Community Services benefits and with immigration applications
to refer patients for ongoing counselling, and to any other appropriate services.

Community HIV Team aims to reduce hospital admissions by continuing education, supporting medication adherence, and assisting HIV infected patients to take responsibility for their own health, as well as coordinating and linking them with appropriate support networks.

What to expect?
If you have HIV infection you may be referred to the Community HIV Team by your general practitioner (GP), your infectious diseases doctor or you may choose to contact the Community HIV Team directly by using the direct dial number listed above. You may also contact the Community HIV Team if you are affected by HIV as a partner or a family member of a patient with HIV infection or if you are concerned you may have HIV infection and are not sure what further action should be taken.

After the referral is received the Community HIV Team will contact you. You will meet a Community HIV Team nurse specialist or social worker who will explain the care you can expect as a patient of the Infectious Diseases service. They will check your knowledge of HIV infection and provide further information or resources as necessary. They will talk to you about your personal situation and concerns, and will explain clinic visits and blood tests required.
The social worker is available to help you with any immigration, housing or WINZ issues and any other related matters.

This page was last updated at 2:15PM on February 13, 2024.