The information on this page is about the renal services provided by Counties Manukau Health; contact details, treatments, staff etc.
If you are looking for information about kidney disease please click on - this website provides useful information for both patients and healthcare professionals and includes Tongan, Samoan and Mandarin translated resources.
The renal services are designed to provide a diagnostic and therapeutic service for patients with renal disease. The services include:
- management of patients in acute and chronic renal failure
- providing renal replacement therapy (dialysis) to patients with end stage renal failure
- haemodialysis: self-care, community centre care, home, satellite (at Manukau SuperClinic™), or hospital incentre
- peritoneal dialysis: continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) or automated peritoneal dialysis (APD)
- predialysis education
- renal transplantation work-up and follow-up starting 3 months after transplantation
- admission of patients with renal disease to the renal ward for observation/diagnosis/treatment.
Renal Services Provided by Counties Manukau Health
Renal services provided are located at the following locations:
Middlemore Hospital and Western Campus:
- renal ward
- incentre dialysis
- training unit for home dialysis
- peritoneal dialysis unit.
- outpatient clinic (Module 5)
- outpatient clinic
- satellite unit (renal dialysis)
- Rito unit (renal dialysis)
Community Dialysis Houses are run by Counties Manukau Health Renal Service in Middlemore Crescent.