Rākai Kahukura - Wānaka Maternity Unit

4 Monteith Road, Albert Town, Wānaka

Contact Details

Phone (03) 443 8100
Email wanaka_maternity_unit@southerndhb.govt.nz

If the unit is unattended for any reason this number goes to an on-call midwife.


Street Address

4 Monteith Road
Albert Town
Otago 9305


Wānaka’s first Primary Maternity Unit, Rākai Kahukura is quickly establishing a wonderful sense of community identity and ownership.

Pregnant people in Central Otago can also use Rākai Kahukura as a birthing option or for post-natal stays. You do not have to reside in Wānaka to use it. 

Opened in late July 2024, it is anticipated Rākai Kahukura will support about 400 families and 50 births each year. 

The birthing unit includes a birthing room with ensuite and birthing pool, four post-natal rooms with ensuites, an onsite antenatal clinic with four rooms, and a community room for relaxation and education. There is flexibility to provide a second birthing room in one of the post-natal rooms if needed.
