
North Auckland, West Auckland > Public Hospital Services > Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā >

Gerontology Nurse Specialist (GNS) Service - Nga Kaitiaki Kaumātua | Waitematā

Public Service, Older People's Health, Community, Community Health


About the Service

The Community Gerontology Nurse Specialists (GNS) are part of the multidisciplinary team including district nurses, allied health and general practice. We provide comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults in the community and residential aged care facilities, that are a high risk for multiple hospital admissions due to increased frailty, risk factors and highly complex situations.

The Community Gerontology Nurse Specialist Service is a non-urgent service. All referrals are triaged according to patient risk. 

As Te Tiriti o Waitangi obligation, our services are proud to have a Māori Gerontology Nurse Specialist which allows us to provide culturally appropriate services to our Kaumātua.

We have 2 wound care nurse specialists who support residential aged care with complex wounds. 

Referral Expectations

The patient's permission must be gained. If the patient lacks competence to give consent, the activated EPOA or other legally recognised person needs to be approached for consent.


Referrals are received from:

  • Community health professionals and healthcare providers from any organisation that interfaces with older adults (where possible we prefer GP referral as medical background is important)
  • GPs, hospital staff and specialists
  • Other Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā services
  • Residential aged care facilitites within the Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā catchment area.


Entry Criteria:

  • Over 65 years of age and those with age related illness who are under 65 years. 
  • Māori and Pacifica over 55 years.
  • Patients who will significantly benefit from intervention which is designed to keep them well or optimally functional and/or out of hospital.
  • High risk older adults requiring comprehensive geriatric assessment due to multiple co-morbidities and/or high risk of acute episodes requiring hospitalisation due to multiple geriatric frailty factors e.g. depression, dementia, incontinence, falls, nutrition/hydration issues, isolation and lack of caregiver support.
  • Older adults requiring an assessment for suitability as part of the process for moving into residential aged care or to a higher level of care.


Telephone the one point of entry for information and advice:
Phone: (09) 486 8945 ext 43222 (8.00am - 4.30pm; Monday to Friday)
Email:  OlderAdultsHomeHealth@Waitematadhb.govt.nz (for referrals)

Click on the link to find information about the Residential Aged Care Integration Programme (RACIP).


North Auckland, West Auckland

Contact Details

North Shore Hospital

North Auckland

Please telephone the Referral Screener on the number above for all requests, information and advice.

Information about this location

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Street Address

Shakespeare Road
Auckland 0620

Postal Address

Gerontology Nurse Specialists Service
Older Adults Service
Te Whatu Ora Health NZ - Waitematā
PO Box 93 503
North Shore 0740

This page was last updated at 10:21AM on June 12, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Gerontology Nurse Specialist (GNS) Service - Nga Kaitiaki Kaumatua | Waitematā.