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Public Service, Hospital-based support service

Patient and Whaanau Learning Centre

Whare Rapu Matauranga Hauora

Welcome to the Counties Manukau Patient Learning Centre.

The Patient and Whaanau Learning Centre is an online collection of resources that provide access to easy to read consumer health information on medical conditions and treatments for patients and whaanau.


Web resources
Communities and social media
Health 101: a collection of learning tools to learn more about how your body and how it works

Web resources

Introduction to the NZ Health & Disability System [video]: English ; Mandarin ; Hindi
NZ Health System Fact Sheets: English, Arabic, Spanish , Burmese,  KoreanJapanese .

Introduction to Counties Manukau Health for Patients and Visitors
This section includes information for visitors and patients at Middlemore Hospital and Manukau SuperClinic.  It includes information about directions and parking, what to bring, your rights and visiting hours.

Patient Information provided by Counties Manukau Health Services
Click on the links to the Services at Counties Manukau Health for details of contact names, numbers and referral details .  Also included is information prepared by the Service about common diseases / conditions and useful resources and websites to support you in your treatment and recovery.

HealthEd [NZ]
Health Ed is a catalogue of free health resources brought to you by the Health Promotion Agency (HPA) and the Ministry of Health. The public health resources on this website support healthier New Zealand communities. These resources will help you to make informed decisions for yourself and those you care about.

HealthInfo [NZ]
HealthInfo is a health information website, brought to you by the Canterbury District Health Board (Canterbury DHB). The information on HealthInfo has been written and approved by local doctors, practice nurses, hospital clinicians, and other healthcare professionals. The website has a mix of health information, ranging from factsheets on different topics and descriptions of local health services and supports, through to links to recommended websites for further reading and research.

Health Navigator (NZ)
Trusted health information and self-help resources for all New Zealanders. Information about long term conditions such as asthma, diabetes etc.  Tips, recipes, advice and lot more to keep yourself and your family well. And a range of resources for healthcare providers. Includes information on a wide variety of topics translated into many languages

see also the Health Navigator App Library.
Mobile apps are made to support lifestyle, disease management, mental wellbeing and behaviour change, but how do you know if they work, or they are safe to use? Our library, currently funded by the Ministry of Health, comprises of apps that have been reviewed by a range of experts, so you can decide which ones are right for you.

Healthpoint (NZ)
Going to a medical specialist or hospital? Find up-to-date information about healthcare providers, referral expectations, services offered and common treatments

Kids Health (NZ)
Our mission is to provide New Zealand parents, caregivers, family and whaanau with accurate and reliable information about their children's health.  This website is a joint initiative between the Paediatric Society of New Zealand and Starship Foundation.

Patient website is a trusted source of information for both patients and health professionals across the globe. The site contains over 4000 health information leaflets, a wellbeing centre, a free health check, and thousands of discussion forums. It is accredited by The Information Standard, NHS England’s quality mark and was listed as ‘The top health website you can’t live without’ by The Times newspaper (Jan 2013).

HealthTalk (UK)
Healthtalk.org provides free, reliable information about health issues, by sharing people's real-life experiences. You can watch people sharing their stories about cancer, autism, motor-neurone disease, pregnancy, drugs, depression and much more.

Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Centre [GARD] (UK)
GARD maintains a list of rare diseases and related terms to help people find reliable information.


Communities and social media

Patient Stories [curated by the Counties Manukau Health Library]
Many patient and consumer groups maintain websites and also social media sites that share the stories and personal experiences of patients and their whaanau.  Click on the following links to explore patient stories:

Cancer -  Breast /  LeukemiaMelanoma / Prostate ;
DementiaDepression; Diabetes; Epilepsy ;  Gout; Heart attack Mental health; Parkinsons ; Patient stories (general) ;  Spinal injury;  Stroke



CM Health Library Health Apps Collection [curated by the Counties Manukau Health Library.  All apps have undergone a review process by recognised clinical experts]

* Tip: download a few apps and try them out to see which ones are right for you but beware of privacy issues and giving away too much personal information.
** Use of the tools / apps presented in this collection are not intended to be a substitute for a consultation with a healthcare professional. It is up to you to contact a healthcare professional if you are concerned about your health.

Health Navigator App Library [NZ]

Books on Prescription Health Apps Library [NZ]

Healthy Living Apps [Aus.]

NHS Apps Library [UK]



Books on Prescription

Books on Prescription is a programme run by WellSouth Primary Health Network and the libraries of Otago and Southland (Public Libraries, University libraries and prison libraries) to increase access to high quality health information. The resources in the collection have been recommended and reviewed by health professionals. Books are available at your local library and videos and smartphone applications can be accessed via this website. You can also read book reviews by both health professionals and consumers on this website. Although the programme is run from Southland you will find that most books reviewed will be available in your local Auckland Community Library - see below for details of how to access resoures from Auckland Libraries

Reading Well Books on Prescription

Reading Well Books on Prescription is a UK programme that helps you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using self-help reading. The scheme is endorsed by health professionals and supported by public libraries. Health professionals involved in the book selection process never have any conflict of interest with the titles selected for each book list.

There are currently four book lists available: Reading Well Books on Prescription for common mental health conditions, dementia , young people's mental health and  living with long term conditions.  Check out the titles and request them from your local public library here in Auckland.

Auckland City Libraries [NZ]
Excellent collection of magazines, books (ebooks, print books, large print),dvds, factsheets and articles.  Resources for adults, teens and children in a range of languages including Chinese, Hindi and Korean.  Aucklanders can request materials from 55 branches across Auckland to pick up from their nearest community library.  Request online or pop into your local library and ask one of the friendly librarians for help.

Browse the following collections:

ADHD; Asthma; Blood pressure; CancerDementia; Depression; Diabetes; Eating disorders;  Gout, Heart conditions, Oral health (teeth and gums); Sexually transmitted diseases

Diet and weightlossNutrition; Physical activity and exercise; Self management and living with chronic illnessQuitting smoking; Stress management and mindfulness; Resilience;

Fertility and contraceptionPregnancy; Babies and breast feeding; Parenting; Babies health;  Children's health;  Women's health; Men's health; Senior's health

Health 101: a collection of learning tools and free online courses to learn more about your body and how it works:

Khan Academy. Health and Medicine
The medical world can be a confusing place. Patients and their families might feel overwhelmed by the large vocabularies and complicated explanations they get from their health care providers. Students entering health care also struggle to grasp the complexity of health sciences, and are forced to memorize huge amounts of information. We hope to make understanding the medical world a bit easier;

Explore the human body like never before! With hundreds of interactive anatomy pictures and descriptions of thousands of objects in the body, InnerBody will help you discover what you want to know about human anatomy, right here at your fingertips.  Includes 3d animations that you can rotate and zoom in on;

Kids Health: how the body works
Fun and interactive resource for learning about how our bodies work.  Includes movies, activities and quizzes. Suitable for kids of all ages.


last updated 13 February 2023

This page was last updated at 9:40AM on January 14, 2025.