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Women, Child & Family Community Services | Lakes

Public Service, Paediatrics, Community, Allied Health

Newborn Hearing Screening

All babies are checked at birth to see that all is well. Some of your baby’s health checks are called ‘screening’.

Newborn hearing screening is usually done before you and your baby go home from the hospital. If your baby is not born in a hospital or is not screened before you go home, newborn hearing screening will be offered at your local health clinic or hospital outpatients’ clinic. 

The screen is designed to pick up moderate to profound hearing loss. It will not necessarily pick up a mild hearing loss. If babies can’t hear, it’s hard for them to understand and communicate with you. If your baby does have a hearing loss, finding it early is good for their language, learning and social development.

See pamphlet below for more information.

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This page was last updated at 3:42PM on December 16, 2024.