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Women, Child & Family Community Services | Lakes

Public Service, Paediatrics, Community

Vision and Hearing Technicians (Vision Screening and Hearing Screening)

Vision and Hearing Technicians are screeners who deliver a national screening service in preschools, early education centres, community clinics and client homes.

Vision and Hearing Technicians undertake:

  • Vision & hearing screening on 4 year olds as part of the B4 school check.
  • Vision screening to all year 7 students and colour vision to year 7 boys.
  • Follow-up screening and referrals to optometrists, ophthalmology, audiology and the Ear Nurse Specialist.

Vision and hearing checks can be provided to other school aged children however, if there are concerns about their hearing and/or vision, then screening by a specialist is recommended.

This page was last updated at 3:42PM on December 16, 2024.