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Uri Ririki - Child Health Connection Centre
Public Service, Paediatrics
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Uri Ririki - he taura o te ate
The young progeny - the strings to the seat of one's emotions
Uri Ririki - Child Health Connection Centre launched in November 2019
What is Uri Ririki - Child Health Connection Centre?
Uri Ririki - Child Health Connection Centre works with your health providers to make sure your child receives all of their health checks and immunisations on time that help to keep them well.
Your child receives their health checks from when they are born up to the age of six. These are provided by your midwife, doctor, nurse, Well Child Tamariki Ora, Before School Check (B4SC), vision, hearing, and oral health providers.
What information will Uri Ririki - Child Health Connection Centre record about my child and whānau?
- Your child’s name, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, National Health Index (NHI) number
- Mother's/caregiver's name, contact details and NHI number
- The health providers you have chosen for your child like your doctor, midwife and Well Child/ Tamariki Ora provider
- When your child’s health check and immunisations are due and completed
What information is not included?
We respect your privacy and will not record any clinical information about you or your child. We will only record whether or not your child has received their health checks and immunisations.
What will Uri Ririki - Child Health Connection Centre do?
Uri Ririki - Child Health Connection Centre will:
- Connect - by sharing your up to date contact details with your chosen child health providers so they can remain connected with you until your child turns six*
- Record - by ensuring you child’s health check and immunisation dates are recorded in one place
- Support - by supporting you to find a child health provider that best suits you and your child, if you are new to Auckland
*If your child's health providers cannot get in touch with you, we may connect with the Ministry of Social Development or the Ministry of Education for up-to-date contact details. We may share your child's name, date of birth and gender to get your contact details. No clinical information will be shared.
Do I need to register my child to Uri Ririki - Child Health Connection Centre?
Babies and children up to the age of six will be automatically registered from November 2019.
You do have an option to opt off if you do not wish for this information to be monitored.
Your child’s NHI number, date of birth, contact details and health check information up to the opt off date will remain on the system, along with your opt off decision. This will mean health providers cannot access the information about you or your child after you opt off Uri Ririki - Child Health Connection Centre.
To opt off Uri Ririki - Child Health Connection Centre, please contact us on 0800 242 737 or email or
Fees and Charges Description
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Mon – Fri | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM |
Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Document Downloads
Whānau Information Brochure
(PDF, 2.2 MB)
This brochure gives information to parents and whānau about Uri Ririki - Child Health Connection Centre
Newborn Free Services Flier
(PDF, 1.8 MB)
This flier gives information about health services that are free for newborn children living in Auckland and Waitematā areas.
Poster: Uri Ririki - Child Health Connection Centre
(PDF, 1.8 MB)
Introducing Uri Ririki - Child Health Connection Centre to parents/caregivers and whānau of children aged 0-6 years living in Auckland and Waitematā areas
- Uri Ririki April 2024 newsletter (PDF, 690.8 KB)
- Uri Ririki December 2024 newsletter (PDF, 806.2 KB)
Waka Hauora / Mobile Health clinic vans
Uri Ririki Child Health Connection Centre also hosts two Waka Hauora / Mobile Health clinic vans that can be used to support at home immunisations or immunisations at community events.
For providers wanting to use the vans or partner with Uri Ririki for a community event, please email
Children born or living in Northland
If you and your whānau live in Northland, we are happy to connect you with Te Mahuri - Child Health Connection Service. If you would like to contact them directly, please phone 0800 242 737

Contact Details
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
0800 242 737
Street Address
Building 13
Greenlane Clinical Centre
Auckland 1051
New Zealand
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This page was last updated at 12:00PM on January 6, 2025. This information is reviewed and edited by Uri Ririki - Child Health Connection Centre.