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Adult Inpatient Mental Health Services | Southern
Public Service, Psychiatry, Mental Health
Inpatient Units at Wakari Hospital and Southland Hospital support clients in an acute phase of a mental health disorder and/or with associated intellectual disabilities. Southern DHB Adult Inpatient Mental Health Services are provided by Inpatient Units at Wakari Hospital and Southland Hospital. More
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Fees and Charges Description
There are no fees for services to public patients if you are lawfully in New Zealand and meet one of the eligibility criteria set by the Ministry of Health. If you do not meet the criteria, you will be required to pay for the full cost of any medical treatment you recieve during your stay.
To check whether you meet the specified eligibility criteria, visit the Ministry of Health website
The Adult Inpatient Services are staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week but non-emergency referrals are only recieved during office hours.
Wakari Hospital, Dunedin | Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm |
Southland Hospital, Invercargill | Monday - Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm |
For out of hours crisis response, please call 0800 46 78 46.
Languages Spoken
Ward 9B is a locked unit providing a safe therapeutic environment for clients in an acute phase of a mental health disorder who are unable to be managed in a less restricted area, i.e. open ward. Through individual assessment, treatment, and stabilisation the client is able to be transitioned back to the community either directly or via the rehabilitation unit. Location: Wakari Hospital, 371 Taieri Road, Dunedin
Ward 9B is a locked unit providing a safe therapeutic environment for clients in an acute phase of a mental health disorder who are unable to be managed in a less restricted area, i.e. open ward. Through individual assessment, treatment, and stabilisation the client is able to be transitioned back to the community either directly or via the rehabilitation unit. Location: Wakari Hospital, 371 Taieri Road, Dunedin
- Programme Areas
Crisis / acute, Mental health
- Programme Type
Acute services
- Regions
Waitaki, Central Lakes, Dunedin - South Otago
- Age Groups
Adult / Pakeke
- Referral Types
DHB clinical services
Referral Process
All referrals to Ward 9B must come via the Southern DHB Emergency Psychiatric Service/Psychiatric Consultation Liaison Service, Southern DHB Adult Community Mental Health Services, or another Mental Health Unit.
Ward 9B is a locked unit providing a safe therapeutic environment for clients in an acute phase of a mental health disorder who are unable to be managed in a less restricted area, i.e. open ward. Through individual assessment, treatment, and stabilisation the client is able to be transitioned back to the community either directly or via the rehabilitation unit.
Wakari Hospital, 371 Taieri Road, Dunedin
- Useful Patient Information - Wakari Hospital General Wards (PDF, 534.9 KB)
- Ward 9B Brochure (PDF, 625.5 KB)
Note: PDF downloads require the free Adobe Reader application to view.
Ward 9C is an open, 16 bed inpatient facility providing mental health care for adults who have been assessed as requiring a period of further assessment, investigations and/or interventions where these cannot be safely provided in the community. Location: Wakari Hospital, 371 Taieri Road, Dunedin
Ward 9C is an open, 16 bed inpatient facility providing mental health care for adults who have been assessed as requiring a period of further assessment, investigations and/or interventions where these cannot be safely provided in the community. Location: Wakari Hospital, 371 Taieri Road, Dunedin
- Programme Areas
Crisis / acute, Mental health
- Programme Type
Acute services
- Regions
Waitaki, Central Lakes, Dunedin - South Otago
- Age Groups
Adult / Pakeke
- Referral Types
DHB clinical services
Referral Process
All referrals to Ward 9C must come via the Southern DHB Emergency Psychiatric Service/Psychiatric Consultation Liaison Service, Southern DHB Adult Community Mental Health Services, or another Mental Health Unit.
Ward 9C is an open, 16 bed inpatient facility providing mental health care for adults who have been assessed as requiring a period of further assessment, investigations and/or interventions where these cannot be safely provided in the community.
Wakari Hospital, 371 Taieri Road, Dunedin
- Useful Patient Information - Wakari Hospital General Wards (PDF, 534.9 KB)
- Ward 9C Brochure (PDF, 780.6 KB)
Note: PDF downloads require the free Adobe Reader application to view.
Ward 11 cares for people who require a further period of stabilisation or rehabilitation beyond their stay in an acute ward. From there, we assist people to transition back to the community with supports in place specific to that person's needs. Location: Wakari Hospital, 371 Taieri Road, Dunedin
Ward 11 cares for people who require a further period of stabilisation or rehabilitation beyond their stay in an acute ward. From there, we assist people to transition back to the community with supports in place specific to that person's needs. Location: Wakari Hospital, 371 Taieri Road, Dunedin
- Programme Areas
Crisis / acute, Mental health
- Programme Type
Acute services
- Regions
Waitaki, Central Lakes, Dunedin - South Otago
- Age Groups
Adult / Pakeke
- Referral Types
DHB clinical services
Referral Process
Ward 11 predominately accepts referrals from other wards within the Mental Health, Addictions and Intellectual Disability Directorate however, in special negotiated circumstances, do accept direct admissions.
Ward 11 cares for people who require a further period of stabilisation or rehabilitation beyond their stay in an acute ward. From there, we assist people to transition back to the community with supports in place specific to that person's needs.
Wakari Hospital, 371 Taieri Road, Dunedin
- Useful Patient Information - Wakari Hospital General Wards (PDF, 534.9 KB)
- Ward 11 Brochure (PDF, 618.8 KB)
Note: PDF downloads require the free Adobe Reader application to view.
Ward 10A is a 12-bed, medium secure locked inpatient unit providing support and treatment to people with an intellectual disability and/or mental illness who are displaying challenging behaviour which cannot be safely managed in the community; require assessment under the Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care & Rehabilitation) Act 2003 (IDCCR) /Criminal Proceedings (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act 2003 (CPMIP); or have committed criminal offences which have been dealt with by the Courts under IDCCR legislation. Location: Ground Floor, Helensburgh House, Wakari Hospital, 369 Taieri Road, Dunedin
Ward 10A is a 12-bed, medium secure locked inpatient unit providing support and treatment to people with an intellectual disability and/or mental illness who are displaying challenging behaviour which cannot be safely managed in the community; require assessment under the Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care & Rehabilitation) Act 2003 (IDCCR) /Criminal Proceedings (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act 2003 (CPMIP); or have committed criminal offences which have been dealt with by the Courts under IDCCR legislation. Location: Ground Floor, Helensburgh House, Wakari Hospital, 369 Taieri Road, Dunedin
- Programme Areas
Crisis / acute, Mental health
- Programme Type
Acute services
- Regions
Waitaki, Central Lakes, Dunedin - South Otago
- Age Groups
Adult / Pakeke
- Referral Types
DHB clinical services, Corrections
Referral Process
All referrals to Ward 10A must come via the Southern DHB Emergency Psychiatric Services or through the Court/Prison system.
Ward 10A is a 12-bed, medium secure locked inpatient unit providing support and treatment to people with an intellectual disability and/or mental illness who are displaying challenging behaviour which cannot be safely managed in the community; require assessment under the Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care & Rehabilitation) Act 2003 (IDCCR) /Criminal Proceedings (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act 2003 (CPMIP); or have committed criminal offences which have been dealt with by the Courts under IDCCR legislation.
Ground Floor, Helensburgh House, Wakari Hospital, 369 Taieri Road, Dunedin
- Useful Patient Information - Intellectual Disability Service (PDF, 533.4 KB)
- Intellectual Disability Service Brochure (PDF, 440.2 KB)
Note: PDF downloads require the free Adobe Reader application to view.
Helensburgh Cottage is a safe and supportive environment for people who have an intellectual disability with associated challenging behaviour and/or mental health issues and have been directed to accept care, treatment and/or rehabilitation under the Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care & Rehabilitation) Act 2003 (IDCCR). Location: Helensburgh Cottage, Wakari Hospital, 369 Taieri Road, Dunedin
Helensburgh Cottage is a safe and supportive environment for people who have an intellectual disability with associated challenging behaviour and/or mental health issues and have been directed to accept care, treatment and/or rehabilitation under the Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care & Rehabilitation) Act 2003 (IDCCR). Location: Helensburgh Cottage, Wakari Hospital, 369 Taieri Road, Dunedin
- Programme Areas
Crisis / acute, Mental health
- Programme Type
Acute services
- Regions
All of New Zealand
- Age Groups
Adult / Pakeke
- Referral Types
DHB clinical services, Corrections
Referral Process
Access to Helensburgh Cottage is exclusively through National Intellectual Disability Care Agency (NIDCA).
Helensburgh Cottage is a safe and supportive environment for people who have an intellectual disability with associated challenging behaviour and/or mental health issues and have been directed to accept care, treatment and/or rehabilitation under the Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care & Rehabilitation) Act 2003 (IDCCR).
Helensburgh Cottage, Wakari Hospital, 369 Taieri Road, Dunedin
- Useful Patient Information - Intellectual Disability Service (PDF, 533.4 KB)
- Intellectual Disability Service Brochure (PDF, 440.2 KB)
Note: PDF downloads require the free Adobe Reader application to view.
The Southland Inpatient Mental Health Unit consists of 16 beds providing inpatient care for people in Southland and the Wakatipu area. Patients are usually admitted on a voluntary basis but may also be admitted under the Mental Health Act. Location: Southland Hospital, Kew Road, Invercargill
The Southland Inpatient Mental Health Unit consists of 16 beds providing inpatient care for people in Southland and the Wakatipu area. Patients are usually admitted on a voluntary basis but may also be admitted under the Mental Health Act. Location: Southland Hospital, Kew Road, Invercargill
- Programme Areas
Crisis / acute, Mental health
- Programme Type
Acute services
- Regions
Southland, Central Lakes
- Age Groups
Adult / Pakeke
- Referral Types
DHB clinical services
Referral Process
All referrals to the Southland Inpatient Mental Health Unit must be through the Southern DHB Mental Health Emergency Services or Southern DHB Adult Community Mental Health Services.
The Southland Inpatient Mental Health Unit consists of 16 beds providing inpatient care for people in Southland and the Wakatipu area. Patients are usually admitted on a voluntary basis but may also be admitted under the Mental Health Act.
Southland Hospital, Kew Road, Invercargill
- Southland Inpatient Mental Health Unit Brochure (PDF, 646.7 KB)
- Useful Patient Information - Southland Inpatient Mental Health Unit (PDF, 951.5 KB)
Note: PDF downloads require the free Adobe Reader application to view.
Additional Details
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi
Document Downloads
- Ward 9B Brochure (PDF, 625.5 KB)
- Ward 9C Brochure (PDF, 780.6 KB)
- Ward 11 Brochure (PDF, 618.8 KB)
- Intellectual Disability Service Brochure (PDF, 440.2 KB)
- Southland Inpatient Mental Health Unit Brochure (PDF, 646.7 KB)
- Useful Patient Information - Southland Inpatient Mental Health Unit (PDF, 951.5 KB)
- Useful Patient Information - Wakari Hospital General Wards (PDF, 534.9 KB)
- Useful Patient Information - Wakari Hospital ID Services (PDF, 533.4 KB)
Tell Us What You Think
(PDF, 555.6 KB)
Compliments, suggestions, concerns, complaints
Contact Details
Wakari Hospital, Dunedin
Dunedin - South Otago
Ward 9C
(03) 476 9930 ext. 55930
Ward 9B
(03) 476 9628
Ward 11
(03) 476 9579
Ward 10A
(03) 476 9558
Helensburgh Cottage
(03) 476 9989
24 Hour Operator
0800 44 33 66
Street Address
369 Taieri Road
OTA 9010
Postal Address
Private Bag 1921, Dunedin 9054
Southland Hospital, Invercargill
(03) 214 5786 ext 6689
(03) 214 5795
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This page was last updated at 9:42AM on September 5, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Adult Inpatient Mental Health Services | Southern.