
Public Hospital Services > Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā >

Marinoto Child and Youth Mental Health Services | Waitematā

Public Service, Psychiatry, Paediatrics, Mental Health



What do the Marinoto North, Rodney and West Teams do?

The Marinoto teams provide mental health assessment and treatment for children, young people (4 -18 years) and their families/whānau living in the Waitematā District, who have a severe mental health issue, alongside functional impairment in more than one ‘domain’ (e.g., school, family, or peer group).

Referral Expectations

Why Marinoto?
You may have significant concerns about your child or you might be seeking support for yourself.

After receiving a referral from your GP, school, a community professional or another health professional, we will meet with you to talk about your current concerns.  We will decide together what support you would find most useful and where to find it (if that isn’t with us). This very first appointment is called a CHOICE appointment. 


How Long Will I Have to Wait Until I am Seen?
We will usually contact you within 48 business hours of receiving the referral to arrange a time to meet. 


What Usually Happens at a CHOICE Appointment?
One to two staff members will usually meet each new client and any family/ whānau or support people involved. New clients and/or their support people may also be given the opportunity to speak with us separately, as there may be issues or concerns you would prefer to talk about on your own.

Māori and Pacific whānau may have support at the appointment from a cultural worker, if they would like this. For families of any culture where English is a second language, an interpreter can be organised.

What Usually Happens Next?
At the end of your CHOICE appointment, staff will talk to you (and your family/whānau support, if applicable) about what support could be provided. This may mean coming to see Marinoto for an agreed period of time. This is called starting a "Partnership".  Alternatively, you may be given suggestions about where else you could seek support in the community.  We will help to guide you to make the best ‘CHOICE’ for you and your family. We will send a letter summarising our discussion to you and to the referrer - usually that’s including your GP/ doctor.

Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

Marinoto services are free for anybody meeting the eligibility criteria defined in the New Zealand Government’s 2003 Eligibility Direction policy found here: http://www.moh.govt.nz/eligibility  

Nobody will be refused urgent treatment.


Mon – Fri 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Not available public holidays.


Marinoto North, Rodney and West Teams

Marinoto North, Rodney and West provide mental health assessment and treatment for children and young people from 4 -18 years who live in the Waitematā District who have significant mental health concerns.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Mental health assessment and treatment


North Auckland, West Auckland

Age Groups

Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services


Marinoto North, Rodney and West provide mental health assessment and treatment for children and young people from 4 -18 years who live in the Waitematā District who have significant mental health concerns.


There is some visitor parking available on-site, but at busy times the demand for parking outstrips the availability and people may have to find parking on the public roads. If required, please contact the reception at the location of your upcoming appointment - they can explain the best public road parking options in the area.


Useful Websites

www.thelowdown.co.nz - Online youth depression help site, fact sheets and txt service

www.notourfuture.co.nz/ - Smoking information and support to quit

https://www.sparx.org.nz - Feeling down, worrried or stressed? Take control with SPARX!

https://www.healthwest.co.nz/our-services/the-youth-health-hub - Youth Health Hub

https://healthify.nz/support/m/mental-health/ - Includes youth & whānau services

Marinoto Child and Youth Mental Health Services | Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā (waitematadhb.govt.nz)

Contact Details

Child and Youth Mental Health Services consist of the following teams:

Marinoto North Child Team
124a Shakespeare Road
Private Bag 93503
North Shore City 0740
Ph: 0800 489 555

Marinoto North Youth Team
1B Nile Road, Milford
Private Bag 93503
North Shore City 0740
Ph: 0800 489 555

Marinoto North Rodney Team
12 Tamariki Ave, Orewa
Private Bag 93503
North Shore City 0740
Ph: 0800 489 555

Referrals email: marinotonorthreferrals@waitematadhb.govt.nz

Admin email: marinotoadmin.nth@waitematadhb.govt.nz


Marinoto West Child Team
Child Health Unit
Waitakere Hospital
55-75 Lincoln Road
Private Bag 93115
Waitakere City 0650
Duty Team and Youth Team: (09) 822 8666
Child Team: (09) 837 6624

Marinoto West Youth Team
Waimarino Building
33-37 Paramount Dr
Private Bag 93115
Waitakere City 0650

Duty Team and Youth Team: (09) 822 8666

Referrals email: marinotowestreferrals@waitematadhb.govt.nz

If URGENT help is required after hours: (09) 822 8666 and follow the prompts

Street Address

See below

Postal Address

See below

This page was last updated at 2:45PM on June 14, 2023. This information is reviewed and edited by Marinoto Child and Youth Mental Health Services | Waitematā.