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Respiratory | Counties Manukau

Public Service, Respiratory

Lung Cancer

This is when cells divide and grow in an uncontrolled fashion in the lung tissue. The effect of this is to destroy normal lung tissue and block off the breathing tubes. There are 2 main types of lung cancer.  The most common cause is cigarette smoke; however exposure to asbestos, marijuana smoke and a number of other chemicals can also increase your risk of developing cancer.
Common signs and symptoms
  • A troublesome cough 
  • Coughing up blood
  • Chest pain
  • Loss of appetite and weight
  • Tiredness
  • Recurrent bronchitis or pneumonia
To diagnose lung cancer your doctor will look at your medical and smoking history. You will also have a physical examination. The best screening test is a chest X-ray which your doctor should order if concerned.  If abnormal shadowing is present other tests will be performed to find out what is the cause of the shadowing and which usually involve obtaining some cells to look at under the microscope. Tests you are likely to have include:
  • CT scans with or without fine needle aspirate (see below)
  • Bronchoscopy  (see below).
Once lung cancer is diagnosed, a process known as staging determines the extent of the disease. Knowing the type and stage of cancer means the doctor can plan your treatment.
Different treatment options include:
  • Surgery.  The type of surgery depends on the size and type of cancer
  • Radiotherapy is a form of high energy radiation (X-ray) that kills cancer cells
  • Chemotherapy is the use of drugs aimed at killing cancer cells.
The aim of treatment is to cure if possible. If this is not possible then the aim is to both control symptoms and where possible prolong life.
If you have a lung cancer there will be ongoing follow up with specialists and nurses throughout treatment and afterwards.
For more information about lung cancer see www.cancernz.org.nz

This page was last updated at 2:58PM on September 20, 2024.