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Hauora Tāhine - Pathways to Transgender Healthcare Services
Public Service, Sexual Health
Nau mai, haere mai.
A very warm welcome to our transgender, non-binary, gender diverse community, whānau and friends, and all health professionals wanting to seek information about gender affirming health care and services.
Hauora Tāhine - Pathways to Transgender Healthcare Services is the collective name for a number of secondary services that provide gender affirming healthcare for transgender, non-binary and gender diverse people.
Across the Auckland Region, the two main service providers are Centre for Youth Health for young people and adolescents, and Auckland Regional Sexual Health Service for adults. These two services have multiple clinics across Auckland. They provide support around exploration of gender and medical affirmation, family/whānau support, puberty blockers, hormone therapy and referral for other gender affirming health care.
The teams recognise that you are the expert around your own gender, whether you're a binary trans person, non-binary, transsexual, agender, tāhine, whakawahine, tangata ira tāne, fa'afafine, fakaleiti, leiti, akava’ine, genderqueer or however else you might like to describe yourself. When you come to Hauora Tāhine clinicians will work with you to establish your gender related health goals and provide support around an individualised health plan that may include accessing other specialist services such as: fertility, voice therapy, endocrinology, gynaecology, urology, mental health, general and plastic surgical services* as needed.
Your Hauora Tāhine clinician will send letters to your GP outlining your management plan and support your primary care health team to provide ongoing maintenance therapy once established. Your GP may refer you back to Hauora Tāhine for further support if your hormone therapy needs to be reviewed or you need to access further gender affirming healthcare.
*Note: At this time surgical services have a limited capacity for chest reconstruction and breast augmentation, with lower medical affirmation surgery being managed by the Ministry of Health’s High Cost Treatment Pool. See the Health care for transgender New Zealanders page.
Referral Expectations
Who can refer to Hauora Tāhine?
- Your Primary Care Team (e.g. GP, practice nurse) or Mental Health service (including Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)).
- Your school based health team (e.g. School Counsellor or Nurse) can refer directly to the Centre for Youth Health.
- Centre for Youth Health and Auckland Regional Sexual Health Service accept self-referrals or referrals from family members. Call Centre for Youth Health on 09 261 2272 or Sexual Health on 0800 739 432.
At all times, you are welcome to bring a support person to appointments. However, the doctor may ask to speak to you on your own at some stage throughout the appointment.
Note: Centre for Youth Heath can accept referrals up to the ages of 20 (or 24 for people based in Counties Manukau). Sexual Health service will accept referrals for those aged 18 or older.
Fees and Charges Description
Northern Region Transgender Health Services are free for New Zealand citizens and residents. There is usually a small charge for filling prescriptions at your pharmacy.
Procedures / Treatments
The teams at Hauora Tāhine will work to support your wellbeing. Your team may include nurses, doctors, mental health clinicians and social workers who will work with you to create a tailored treatment plan. Holistic psychosocial consultations provide the basis for getting to know you better and understanding your personal goals. Your plan may or may not include: puberty blockers hormone therapy fertility preservation voice therapy surgical options family support counselling.
The teams at Hauora Tāhine will work to support your wellbeing. Your team may include nurses, doctors, mental health clinicians and social workers who will work with you to create a tailored treatment plan. Holistic psychosocial consultations provide the basis for getting to know you better and understanding your personal goals. Your plan may or may not include: puberty blockers hormone therapy fertility preservation voice therapy surgical options family support counselling.
The teams at Hauora Tāhine will work to support your wellbeing. Your team may include nurses, doctors, mental health clinicians and social workers who will work with you to create a tailored treatment plan. Holistic psychosocial consultations provide the basis for getting to know you better and understanding your personal goals. Your plan may or may not include:
- puberty blockers
- hormone therapy
- fertility preservation
- voice therapy
- surgical options
- family support
- counselling.
As with any treatment, you will need to provide health information and may need to undergo an examination before starting a new medical treatment. This can include: review of any pre-existing health conditions review of smoking status height, weight and blood pressure checks physical exam routine blood tests. More information on this will be provided to you prior to your first appointment. Readiness for hormones and readiness for surgery consultations will be provided as part of your care to make sure you have everything you need to get started.
As with any treatment, you will need to provide health information and may need to undergo an examination before starting a new medical treatment. This can include: review of any pre-existing health conditions review of smoking status height, weight and blood pressure checks physical exam routine blood tests. More information on this will be provided to you prior to your first appointment. Readiness for hormones and readiness for surgery consultations will be provided as part of your care to make sure you have everything you need to get started.
As with any treatment, you will need to provide health information and may need to undergo an examination before starting a new medical treatment. This can include:
- review of any pre-existing health conditions
- review of smoking status
- height, weight and blood pressure checks
- physical exam
- routine blood tests.
More information on this will be provided to you prior to your first appointment. Readiness for hormones and readiness for surgery consultations will be provided as part of your care to make sure you have everything you need to get started.
Blockers are typically used throughout adolescence to prevent the onset of puberty, or halt its progress (recognising that pubertal changes continue through into early adulthood). This prevents/halts the development of secondary sex characteristics, such as breast tissue, hair growth or bony facial changes. The effects of blockers are completely reversible, and can decrease distress associated with the body changes of puberty.
Blockers are typically used throughout adolescence to prevent the onset of puberty, or halt its progress (recognising that pubertal changes continue through into early adulthood). This prevents/halts the development of secondary sex characteristics, such as breast tissue, hair growth or bony facial changes. The effects of blockers are completely reversible, and can decrease distress associated with the body changes of puberty.
Blockers are typically used throughout adolescence to prevent the onset of puberty, or halt its progress (recognising that pubertal changes continue through into early adulthood). This prevents/halts the development of secondary sex characteristics, such as breast tissue, hair growth or bony facial changes.
The effects of blockers are completely reversible, and can decrease distress associated with the body changes of puberty.
Individuals may choose to access hormone therapy (often called hormone replacement therapy) as a part of a transition process. There are a number of different options for hormone therapy, however they generally fall into three categories: Anti-androgens - reduce/block the effects of testosterone on the body. Oestrogen - encourages the development of typically feminine body shape and secondary sex characteristics. Testosterone - encourages the development of typically masculine body shape and secondary sex characteristics. A clinician will work with you on a holistic solution for you and your body.
Individuals may choose to access hormone therapy (often called hormone replacement therapy) as a part of a transition process. There are a number of different options for hormone therapy, however they generally fall into three categories: Anti-androgens - reduce/block the effects of testosterone on the body. Oestrogen - encourages the development of typically feminine body shape and secondary sex characteristics. Testosterone - encourages the development of typically masculine body shape and secondary sex characteristics. A clinician will work with you on a holistic solution for you and your body.
Individuals may choose to access hormone therapy (often called hormone replacement therapy) as a part of a transition process.
There are a number of different options for hormone therapy, however they generally fall into three categories:
- Anti-androgens - reduce/block the effects of testosterone on the body.
- Oestrogen - encourages the development of typically feminine body shape and secondary sex characteristics.
- Testosterone - encourages the development of typically masculine body shape and secondary sex characteristics.
A clinician will work with you on a holistic solution for you and your body.
The Hauora Tāhine ask about your mental health as part of your holistic psychosocial consultations. If you have concerns about anxiety or your mood or any other mental health issues, clinicians can support you to access counselling or other mental health support if needed. If you are feeling distressed now you can phone: Youthline - free txt 234. Ph 0800 376 633 Lifeline - Ph 0800 543 354 Mental Health Crisis Team
The Hauora Tāhine ask about your mental health as part of your holistic psychosocial consultations. If you have concerns about anxiety or your mood or any other mental health issues, clinicians can support you to access counselling or other mental health support if needed. If you are feeling distressed now you can phone: Youthline - free txt 234. Ph 0800 376 633 Lifeline - Ph 0800 543 354 Mental Health Crisis Team
The Hauora Tāhine ask about your mental health as part of your holistic psychosocial consultations. If you have concerns about anxiety or your mood or any other mental health issues, clinicians can support you to access counselling or other mental health support if needed. If you are feeling distressed now you can phone:
- Youthline - free txt 234. Ph 0800 376 633
- Lifeline - Ph 0800 543 354
- Mental Health Crisis Team
Document Downloads
Welcome letter - Adult.docx
(DOCX, 307.5 KB)
The Auckland Regional Sexual Health Services welcome letter, sent to accepted referrals.
- Poster.pdf (PDF, 448 KB)
- Brochure.pdf (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- GP Referral for Support.pdf (PDF, 624.1 KB)
- Family Support Information.docx (DOCX, 52.1 KB)
- Coping with Gender Dysphoria.pdf (PDF, 1,023.9 KB)
- Consent form - Starting feminising hormone therapy.pdf (PDF, 737.9 KB)
- Consent form - Starting masculinising hormone therapy.pdf (PDF, 736.4 KB)
- Self Injecting Guideline .docx (DOCX, 149.9 KB)
Northern Region Guidelines for Gender Affirming Healthcare.pdf
(PDF, 3.8 MB)
October 2018
- Maintenance Feminising Hormones.pdf (PDF, 199.1 KB)
- Maintenance Masculinising Hormones .pdf (PDF, 193.2 KB)
- Discharge Letter.pdf (PDF, 329.5 KB)
- Menstrual Cessation Options.docx (DOCX, 74.8 KB)
- ASH Oestrogen + antiandrogen chart.pdf (PDF, 339.5 KB)
- ASH Testosterone chart.pdf (PDF, 294.4 KB)
- Guidance for progesterone prescribing for gender affirming care (PDF, 814.9 KB)
- Testogel information (PDF, 728.5 KB)
- Consent form for blocking testosterone (PDF, 734.3 KB)
- Consent form for blocking estrogen (PDF, 736.9 KB)
- Fertility information for those starting oestrogen (PDF, 395.3 KB)
Other places to go
In addition to medical transition, or if you’re not sure that medical transition is right for you, there are a number of other organisations that provide support or places to talk about and explore gender:
- OUTLine – 0800 OUTLINE (0800 6885463) www.outline.org.nz
- F’INE (Pacific Homecare) https://pacifichomecare.org.nz/pacific-homecare-news/1373/supporting-marginalised-pasifika/
- ME Family Services http://www.mefsc.org.nz/
- Rainbow Youth https://ry.org.nz/
Rainbow Youth and Outline Aotearoa provide a Transgender Peer Support Service - the aim of the Transgender Peer Support Service is to help gender-diverse people and/or their whānau with exploring gender identity through accessing gender-affirming healthcare, providing information and resources, and by creating a connection and community with other gender-diverse people. Rainbow Youth supports those up to the age of 27 while Outline Aotearoa supports those 28 years of age and above. These services can be accessed through a self-referral or a support worker referral by following the link to the referral forms:
There are also a number of informal, university based, or online groups. Some are listed on the I’m Local website (www.imlocal.co.nz/region/auckland), and the organisations above can also refer you to them.
Gender Minorities Aotearoa is a source of information and places to access support across New Zealand: https://genderminorities.com
The Ministry of Health has information for Transgender New Zealanders. Please visit https://www.health.govt.nz/your-health/healthy-living/transgender-new-zealanders
More about the Transgender Health project
Get the latest updates from Northland, Waitemata, Auckland and Counties Manukau DHBs on what is happening with the Transgender Health Project: http://adhb.health.nz/our-services/a-z-services/transgender-health-services-for-the-northern-region/
Clinician - A professional who has gone through training, for example a doctor, nurse or counsellor.
GP - General Practitioner. Often referred to as a doctor.
Primary Care Team - Usually a GP, GP practice, school nurse or place you would regularly go when its not an emergency.
Our Locations
Sexual Health have four locations across Auckland (orange), and Centre for Youth Health have five locations (purple)

Contact Details
Greenlane Clinical Centre
Central Auckland
General enquiries
(09) 367 0000
Extension/pager number known
(09) 307 4949
Patient enquiries
(09) 375 4300
Outpatient appointments and surgical bookings
(09) 638 0400 / scheduling@adhb.govt.nz
GP/ External Specialist Help Desk
(09) 307 2800
Mental Health Services 24 Hour Crisis helpline
0800 800 717
214 Green Lane West
Auckland 1051
Street Address
214 Green Lane West
Auckland 1051
Postal Address
Private Bag 92 189
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
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This page was last updated at 10:44AM on July 15, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Hauora Tāhine - Pathways to Transgender Healthcare Services.