Central Auckland > Public Hospital Services > General Medicine | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai >
Dr Angela Soteriou
Medico Cirujano y Partero 2001 Guadalajara; Am Bd Cert Int Med 2005; Am Bd Cert Int Med (Hosp & Pall Med) 2012; FRACP 2017 - Internal medicine
Dr Soteriou completed her Physician training in New York where she worked as a Hospitalist for eight years, providing general medical care to hospitalised patients. Since then, she has worked across seven District Health Boards in New Zealand as a specialist in General Medicine.
Title or Designation
Female / Wāhine
Vocational Scope
Internal Medicine
Languages Spoken
Contact Details
Dr Angela Soteriou is available at the following service:
General Medicine | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai
This service is available at the following location:
Auckland City Hospital
Outpatients can confirm their appointment through the Contact Centre:
Phone: |
(09) 638 0400 or |
Administration: genmed@adhb.govt.nz
(09) 3074949 ext 22999 or 22980