

MB ChB 1998 Otago; FRANZCR 2008


Imaging in Paediatric Neuroradiology and Body Imaging


Paediatric Radiology

Consultant in Paediatric Radiology RCH Melbourne, 2009-11

Title or Designation

Paediatric Radiologist

Post-Fellowship Training

Fellowship in Paediatric Imaging, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, 2008

Full NZ Registration Date

30 November 1999

Vocational Scope

Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology

Contact Details

Dr Helen Bird is available at the following services:

This service is available at the following location:

Starship Child Health, Central Auckland

Public Services

Radiology | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai

This service is available at the following location:

Starship Child Health, Central Auckland