

MB BS 2005 London; FRCR 2011; CCT (UK) 2012


Consultant in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine

Jenny graduated from Oxford University and Imperial College London, and then obtained postgraduate Surgical membership in 2008 at St. Mary's Hospital, London.  Her Radiology training was at University Hospitals Southampton (UHS), UK.  She undertook fellowships in Nuclear Medicine including PET-CT, at University Hospital Zurich, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth and UHS between 2010 and 2013. She was also awarded the British Nuclear Medicine Society (BNMS) Travelling Fellowship. 

Jenny has worked in New Zealand since 2014, and is currently the Clinical Lead for Nuclear Medicine for Auckland & Northern region, based at Auckland DHB. Jenny also provides Nuclear Medicine/Radiology input to the Neuroendocrine and Lymphoma Multidisciplinary meetings.  She has an academic interest in Nuclear Medicine, Molecular Imaging and Theranostics, actively publishing and presenting nationally and internationally, and supervising many Radiology trainees with their mandatory research projects. She has a strong teaching involvement in Auckland University Medical school, various ADHB subspecialty groups and Auckland Radiology Registrar Training scheme.

Title or Designation


Vocational Scope

Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology

Contact Details

Dr Jennifer Davidson is available at the following service:

This service is available at the following location:

Auckland City Hospital

  • Patient enquiries

    (09) 375 4300

  • Known extension/pager

    (09) 307 4949

  • Acute Referrals Service

    (09) 375 7030, Ext: 24048 

  • Emergency Department

    (09) 367 0000, open 24 hours / 7 days

  • Outpatient appointments & surgical booking enquiries

    (09) 638 0400 / scheduling@adhb.govt.nz 

Mental Health Services

  • 24 Hour Crisis Line

    0800 800717

  • GP / External Specialist Help Desk

    (09) 307 2800