Central Auckland > Public Hospital Services > Older People's Health | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai >
Dr Maree Todd
MB ChB 1982 Auckland; FRACP 1989
- Medical Ethics
- Elder Abuse
- Dementia
- Parkinsons Disease
- Falls
Title or Designation
Post-Fellowship Training
Two years further training (United Kingdom):
1. Kings College Hospital London - Geriatric Medicine
2. North Tees General + Geriatric Medicine
3. Belfast City Hospital - Geriatric Medicine
Full NZ Registration Date
17 December 1982
Vocational Scope
Internal Medicine
Contact Details
Dr Maree Todd is available at the following service:
Older People's Health | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai
This service is available at the following locations:
Auckland City Hospital
Inpatient Enquiries (enquiries about a planned admission to the OPH ward in the hospital):
Ph: (09) 307 4949 ext 22879 (Referrals Administrator)
Greenlane Clinical Centre
Outpatient Clinics Contact Centre (confirmation or enquiries about an outpatient clinic appointment):
Ph: (09) 638 0400 or 0800 728 436 (if you live outside Auckland)
7:00am - 10:30pm weekdays
8:00am – 6:00pm weekends
Home Health: please see below for contact details.