
Review Guidelines

Based on your recent experience with this service, explain why you would or wouldn't recommend this service to friends and family.

  • Be honest and provide your genuine opinion, but please do not use offensive, threatening, insulting or inappropriate language.
  • Do not include your personal details or personal details of another person.
  • Do not include any contact details.
  • Do not include links to other websites or advertising material.
  • Do not provide a second-hand account of someone else's experience or information you have heard second hand. Your comments should be based on your own experience with the service.
  • Ensure you are providing information about the correct listing in Healthpoint.
    Some services have very similar names.
  • A single location may provide many different types of services that operate as separate businesses. E.g. GP practice, pharmacy, physiotherapy, laboratory testing etc.

A good way to double check is to check the contact details, the description about the service and the staff listed at the service match the service and staff you interacted with.

To make a complaint:

If you wish to make a complaint about this service please use the Health & Disability Commissioner complaints process.

If you want a response from the service:

The "Would you recommend this service to friends and family" feedback process on Healthpoint is anonymous and we do not collect any contact or personal details for people who provide feedback. 
If you want a response from this service, you must contact the service directly. The service's contact details are provided in the green "Contact Details" box on the left-hand side of the page.