
Lakes > Public Hospital Services >

Rotorua Hospital

Public Hospital

Corner Arawa Street and Pukeroa Road
New Zealand



Our vision is:  Healthy Communities – Mauriora! 

Te Whatu Ora Lakes' three core values are:

  • Manaakitanga - Respect and acknowledgement of each other’s intrinsic value and contribution
  • Integrity - Truthfully and consistently acting collectively for the common good
  • Accountability - Collective and individual ownership for clinical and financial outcomes and sustainability

Rotorua Hospital Map



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For relatives or friends visiting or staying at the hospital, food is available from the cafeteria.  We encourage visitors to go to the cafeteria for a break and refreshments and not to eat in the patient areas. 

Vibe Cafeteria is on the ground floor of Rotorua Hospital, in the internal courtyard by the Elderly Services Building (Older Persons and Rehabilitation Service or OPRS). 
Hours of operation are: 8.30am –7.00pm. 

A coffee station is also available in the atrium of Rotorua Hospital.  
Hours of operation are: 7.30am – 1.30pm Monday to Friday (closed on public holidays). 

Travel Directions

Public access to Rotorua Hospital is through the main entrance of Whakaue Rauoranga, off Pukeroa Street. 

All patients and visitors are required to enter Rotorua Hospital through this entrance. Please follow the signs.

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Public Transport

Cityride provides 12 routes that cover all of Rotorua.  The bright green buses depart every half an hour from the central city area and operate Monday to Saturday, with a reduced service on Sundays and public holidays.

For more info go to https://www.baybus.co.nz/rotorua/rotorua-urban/

The Murupara Passenger Service operates from Murupara to Rotorua Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

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Please park in the main public car park off Pukeroa Street at the top of the hill. Disabled and emergency department parking is closest to the entrance. 

Please do not park in areas marked restricted as your vehicle will be towed away. 


Transport and Accommodation Assistance

There is help available for patients who have been referred to publicly funded appointments out of town and qualify for National Travel Assistance.  

Please note:  Not everyone qualifies for full assistance.  Please discuss your circumstances with the coordinator to see what help is available.

Paimarie - Family/Whānau Accommodation

Our facility, Paimarie, enables family /whānau members to be close to the patient and still have somewhere to rest and have a break.

Click here for more information about Transport and Accommodation Assistance or Paimarie.


Rotorua Hospital Pharmacy supplies medications to inpatients at Rotorua Hospital.

Click here to find a community pharmacy near you.


Our security measures and hospital rules ensure the protection and safety of all patients and staff.  Staff are trained to take appropriate action in the event of an emergency situation or security alert. 

Please advise your nurse if you have any concerns about your personal safety. 

Anyone displaying acts of verbal or physical violence directed at staff, patients, family/ whānau will be removed from the hospital and if necessary, police assistance will be sought.

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Rotorua Hospital Map

Rangiora Clinic Map

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  • Phone

    (07) 348 1199

Emergency Department: Open 24 hours / 7 days. Phone (07) 348 1199 extn 8689

Rotorua Hospital Map


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Street Address

Corner Arawa Street and Pukeroa Road
New Zealand

Postal Address

Rotorua Hospital
Private Bag 3023
Rotorua Mail Centre
Rotorua 3046