OutLine Aotearoa (formerly OUTline NZ)

Services Provided

0800 info line and webchat service - free

Service types: LGBTQIA+ support.

Call us on 0800 OUTLINE (0800 688 5463) or visit https://outline.org.nz/chat/ any evening between 6pm and 9pm to talk to a trained volunteer from the LGBTIQ+ community.

It’s free & confidential. Leave a message if we can’t answer and we can call you back.

We’re here if you want to talk about rainbow identities and lives. We focus on topics around sexuality, gender, and diverse sex characteristics, as well as rainbow people’s life experiences.

We welcome calls and chats from people who are questioning their sexuality or gender, LGBTIQA+/rainbow people, their friends, whānau and colleagues, or professionals who work with rainbow people as clients or customers.

Please note this is not a phone counselling or crisis service.
