Bay of Plenty, Lakes, Tairāwhiti, Taranaki, Waikato > Specialised Primary Health Care >
Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa - Midland
Sexual and Reproductive Health Service, Community Health
Family Planning provides sexual and reproductive health services from 30 clinics across New Zealand. Anyone can come to a Family Planning Clinic – many have drop-in sessions with no need for an appointment.
Our clinical services are free for New Zealand residents under 22 years. For those with a Community Services Card, a visit to one of our clinics is $5. For all other New Zealand Residents, a standard appointment is $40 and a procedure appointment is $50.
We provide contraception, including long acting reversible contraception (IUDs, IUSs – Mirena and contraceptive implants). Our clinic staff can also help with STI testing and treatment, pregnancy testing, advice and referral if required, cervical screening, menopause, pre menstrual syndrome and much more. An early medical abortion service is available at our Tauranga and Whangārei clinics.
We also offer clinical training for doctors, nurses and midwives. This training includes the Family Planning Certificate in Contraception and Sexual Health.
Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke
How do I access this service?
Contact us, Make an appointment
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Partial fees apply, Fees apply
Fees and Charges Description
For New Zealand Residents
- Our services are free for people under 22 years
- $5 for people with a CSC (Community Services Card)
- Standard appointment $40 for all other NZ Residents
- Procedure appointment $50 for all other NZ Residents
Services Provided
Sexual and reproductive health services including sexual health screening, information and birth control.
Sexual and reproductive health services including sexual health screening, information and birth control.
- Contraception (birth control) advice
- Pregnancy testing
- STD checks (Sexually transmitted disease)
Sexual and reproductive health services including sexual health screening, information and birth control.
Pregnancy and parenting support for family/whānau.
Pregnancy and parenting support for family/whānau.
- Parenting education
- Parent wellbeing
- Young mums
- Pregnancy support
Pregnancy and parenting support for family/whānau.
Health screening tests check for health conditions or early warning signs of disease.
Health screening tests check for health conditions or early warning signs of disease.
- Cervical screening
Health screening tests check for health conditions or early warning signs of disease.
Family / whānau support services provide support to improve the collective mental and/or physical wellbeing of the family / whānau.
Family / whānau support services provide support to improve the collective mental and/or physical wellbeing of the family / whānau.
Family / whānau support services provide support to improve the collective mental and/or physical wellbeing of the family / whānau.
LARC methods are very effective at preventing unplanned pregnancy and are “fit and forget” forms of contraception – you don’t need to remember them every day or every month. LARC methods: Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices (IUCD or IUD) are inserted through the cervix into a woman’s uterus. IUCDs may be either hormonal (Mirena® or Jaydess® ) or non-hormonal (copper IUCD). Jadelle® is a hormone-releasing implant that is inserted just under the skin of the upper arm. Depending on the type of device, it will need to be changed after between three and ten years. Read more about LARC methods here
LARC methods are very effective at preventing unplanned pregnancy and are “fit and forget” forms of contraception – you don’t need to remember them every day or every month. LARC methods: Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices (IUCD or IUD) are inserted through the cervix into a woman’s uterus. IUCDs may be either hormonal (Mirena® or Jaydess® ) or non-hormonal (copper IUCD). Jadelle® is a hormone-releasing implant that is inserted just under the skin of the upper arm. Depending on the type of device, it will need to be changed after between three and ten years. Read more about LARC methods here
- Implant (Jadelle) inserts
- IUD inserts
- Free or subsidised contraception services (enquire for eligibility and details)
- IUD removals
- Implant (Jadelle) removal
LARC methods are very effective at preventing unplanned pregnancy and are “fit and forget” forms of contraception – you don’t need to remember them every day or every month. LARC methods:
- Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices (IUCD or IUD) are inserted through the cervix into a woman’s uterus. IUCDs may be either hormonal (Mirena® or Jaydess® ) or non-hormonal (copper IUCD).
- Jadelle® is a hormone-releasing implant that is inserted just under the skin of the upper arm.
Depending on the type of device, it will need to be changed after between three and ten years.
Read more about LARC methods here
Disability Assistance
Wheelchair access
Bay of Plenty, Lakes, Tairāwhiti, Taranaki, Waikato
Contact Details
240 Tristram Street, Hamilton
(07) 810 6610
Healthlink EDI
Use our clinic finder for your local branch
or request an appointment using our online form
National Office is located in Wellington:
Level 2, 205 Victoria Street, Wellington
- Phone: (04) 384 4349
- Fax: (04) 382 8356
- Email:
Street Address
240 Tristram Street
Waikato 3204
17 Courtney Road, Gate Pa, Tauranga
Bay of Plenty
(07) 810 6610
Healthlink EDI
42 Childers Road, Gisborne
(07) 810 6610
Healthlink EDI
185 Powderham Street, New Plymouth
(07) 810 6610
Healthlink EDI
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This page was last updated at 11:20AM on March 19, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa - Midland.