Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Te Toka Tumai Auckland

Postal Address

Private Bag 92 024
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142

Contact Details

<p>Phone (09) 367 0000</p><p>Visit our website

We value feedback from patients and whānau on your experience with us. Your feedback and suggestions help us to provide the best possible care for our communities. </p>


We are committed to using resources most effectively as we strive for improved health outcomes.  We have a 'whole system' approach which sees our focus on the community, with education and prevention to help protect our population in healthy lifestyles, to managing people in the community with chronic conditions through to very specialised hospital care. This provides a rewarding environment to staff complemented by extensive research and learning opportunities that are supported and encouraged by the organisation.

We are funded on a population-based funding formula that is based on where people were living on census night. Adjustments are made for age, ethnicity and also for the amount of specialist work provided to people outside the area.

Our Services

Auckland City Hospital

(Acute medical and surgical services)

Greenlane Clinical Centre

(Community, ambulatory & mental health services)

  • children and young people's service
  • women's health
  • surgical services
  • cardiothoracic
  • clinical support
  • medical services
  • laboratory
  • radiology
  • mental health
  • rheumatology
  • pain services
  • sexual health
  • diabetes management
  • dermatology
  • oral health
  • immunology
  • audiology
  • allied health
  • mental health


Starship Child Health provides care for children up to their 15th birthday, after which they become part of the adult healthcare services. 

Auckland Regional Public Health Service is part of Te Whatu Ora, the national health service established under the Pae Ora (healthy future) legislation.

Other Providers
  • Primary Health Organisations, GP services and nursing services
  • Community-based health services
  • Kaupapa Māori services
  • Pacific health services
  • Laboratories
  • Community-based pharmacies
  • Dental health services
  • Midwives/maternity services
  • Residential care for mental health
  • Rest homes
  • Palliative care.


Click on a service below for all contact details