Mental Health & Addictions in West Auckland
These services support people who are experiencing mental health concerns.
Supported employment programmes help people with mental health issues find job opportunities and prepare for work.
Supported employment Services 9 results
Asian Family Services Free $$ Fees apply
Asian Family Services provides professional and confidential face-to-face or telephone counselling support and social worker support to all Asians living in New Zealand.
0800 862 342
Equip Free
Equip is a leading mental health organisation, providing community support, family/whānau support, respite and supported employment services.
(09) 477 0338
WALSH trust (West Auckland Living Skills Trust) Free
WALSH trust provides a range of housing and recovery and community mental health services in the greater Auckland region.
(09) 837 5240
Returned and Services Association (RSA) Free
Every day the RSA movement helps all current and former service personnel and their families get the support they need.
(04) 384 7994
Pathways Health Free
Pathways is a leading national provider of community-based mental health and addiction services operating in communities across New Zealand.
Kia Puāwai Free
Kia Puāwai provides a range of evidence-based and culturally informed services for tamariki, rangatahi and whānau.
Odyssey Free $$ Fees apply
Odyssey's vision is that people, whānau and communities are connected and supported to live the lives they want, free from drug, alcohol and other addiction
(09) 638 4957
Workwise Employment Agency Free
Our aim is to help people into decent, lasting jobs, and to help everyone get the best from the employment relationship.
Ember - Korowai Takitini Free
We provide support to people who experience mental distress, harm from alcohol or other drugs and intellectual disability support services throughout the North Island..