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Living Smokefree | Counties Manukau
Public Service, Community, Stop Smoking
Living Smokefree Service
The Counties Manukau Living Smokefree Service accepts both self-referrals as well as referrals from healthcare professionals.
Clients will first speak with the Smokefree Triage Service which is a one-stop-shop for all smoking cessation referrals in Counties Manukau. We work in partnership with community quit smoking services across the district to ensure people are offered multiple free, convenient and culturally appropriate options for ongoing support.
Referral Expectations
Our dedicated referrals coordinators will send an acknowledgment on receipt of a referral and will endeavour to make contact with clients within 3 working days.
The team will provide feedback to the health professional on the outcome of clients who consent, engage and have set a quit date.
We complete a first phone assessment to determine what type of support the client needs. We offer a range of free, evidence-based, 12 week programmes to ensure the client can choose the right support for their needs.
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Fees and Charges Description
Free support
All our smokefree practitioners are able to ensure culturally appropriate behavioural ongoing support and access to funded Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and advise about other non funded NRT and prescription medication as well as e-cigarettes/vapes. The range of support includes: Drop-in clinics (casual appointments at local venues) Group based support (hourly sessions over 7 weeks) Home visits (one-on-one support) Quit Bus (travelling to local community spots) Rewards based programmes for stopping smoking Intensive support for people using mental health services Inpatient support (while staying in Middlemore Hospital)
All our smokefree practitioners are able to ensure culturally appropriate behavioural ongoing support and access to funded Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and advise about other non funded NRT and prescription medication as well as e-cigarettes/vapes. The range of support includes: Drop-in clinics (casual appointments at local venues) Group based support (hourly sessions over 7 weeks) Home visits (one-on-one support) Quit Bus (travelling to local community spots) Rewards based programmes for stopping smoking Intensive support for people using mental health services Inpatient support (while staying in Middlemore Hospital)
- Programme Areas
Helplines / e-mental health, Stop smoking
- Programme Type
Maternal stop smoking, Stop smoking helpline, Stop smoking support
- Regions
South Auckland, East Auckland
- Age Groups
Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
- Referral Types
Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections
Referral Process
Complete an online referral form and someone will be in touch:
Call 0800 569 568
TXT 'NOW' 590
All our smokefree practitioners are able to ensure culturally appropriate behavioural ongoing support and access to funded Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and advise about other non funded NRT and prescription medication as well as e-cigarettes/vapes. The range of support includes:
- Drop-in clinics (casual appointments at local venues)
- Group based support (hourly sessions over 7 weeks)
- Home visits (one-on-one support)
- Quit Bus (travelling to local community spots)
- Rewards based programmes for stopping smoking
- Intensive support for people using mental health services
- Inpatient support (while staying in Middlemore Hospital)
Document Downloads
Smokefree Department Map
(DOCX, 3.1 MB)
To find the Smokefree Department, please follow the directions on the map.
- Smokefree Patient Flyer (PDF, 3.1 MB)
- Young Waahine Maaori (PDF, 401.3 KB)
- Smokefree Services Health Professionals Brochure Pg1 (PDF, 7.6 MB)
- Smokefree Services Health Professionals Brochure Pg2 (PDF, 895.9 KB)
- Care Connect Referral (PDF, 724.3 KB)
- Pregnancy Incentives Programme (PDF, 536.4 KB)
- Nicotine Replacement Therapy Leaflet (PDF, 2.3 MB)
- Vaping Facts (PDF, 364.7 KB)
- Smokefree Pocket Card (PDF, 481.9 KB)
- Smokefree Best Practice Principles - Mental Health and Addictions (PDF, 1.5 MB)

Contact Details
Middlemore Hospital
South Auckland
0800 569 568
TXT 'NOW' to 590
Care Connect eReferrals: Smokefree (CMDHB)
Street Address
Building 34 Western Campus
Middlemore Hospital
Postal Address
Living Smokefree
Private Bag 93311
Auckland 1640
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This page was last updated at 10:59AM on March 26, 2025. This information is reviewed and edited by Living Smokefree | Counties Manukau.