  • Pacific People
  • Allied Health
  • Eye Care Providers
  • Immunisation
  • Community Health and Social Services
  • Specialised Primary Health Care
  • Public Hospital Services
  • Pharmacy
  • Dentistry
  • Mental Health & Addictions
  • GPs / Accident & Urgent Medical Care
  • Aged Residential Care
  • Kaupapa Māori
  • Private Hospitals & Specialists
  • COVID-19 Testing
  • COVID-19 Vaccination and Boosters
  • Maternity Services
  • COVID-19 Testing (including services that have selected "Not provided")

Search results for ‘ ڸ° rkt365.top Ƽٵ̰ DHSFKDLSGHFEJATKDLXMWNTH ¹ٵ DHSFKDLSQKENRLTKDLXMWNTH ٵ̻Ʈõ’ – 500 found

  • List of vaccines

    View the Healthify website for more detailed information about vaccines and the diseases they prevent..

  • My rights

    All people using a health or disability service have protection under the Code of Rights. This code is upheld in…

  • Fluoride in water

    Fluoride may be added to the water supply so it is at a concentration between 0.7 parts per million (ppm)…

  • What is a long term condition (LTC)

    A long term condition is any long term reoccurring chronic health condition. They are usually complex and comprise of more…

  • BMJ BestTreatments Homepage

    To view the BMJ Best Treatments homepage please click here

  • Prescribed medication

    Dentists can prescribe a limited number of medications that are appropriate for dental treatment, including local anaesthetic for the procedure,…

  • What are the vaccine rollout groups?

    Visit COVID-19 vaccine roll out for more information.

  • My Vaccine Pass - How to get it?

    There are 3 ways to get your My Vaccine Pass — online through My Covid Record, over the phone (0800 28…

  • What are Myopia (short-sightedness), Hyperopia (long-sightedness) and Astigmatism?

    These conditions cause distance blur. In myopia, the eye has a resting focus at a near distance so that people…

  • Knocked out teeth

    During sport and other activities your teeth can be knocked out completely from your gums. In some instances your dentist…

  • What is a PHO?

    Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) are the means by which the Government ensures that everyone has access to a general practitioner…

  • Childhood immunisations (age 6 weeks to 12 years)

    Immunisation is the safest and most effective way to provide protection for you and your tamariki against serious infectious diseases.…

  • ACC

    We help prevent injuries and get New Zealanders and visitors back to everyday life if they've had an accident.…

  • Conditions & Treatments

    Helping you to make better health decisions…

  • What are Cataracts?

    Cataracts are the most common age-related occurrence in eyes. The lens inside the eye becomes thicker and stiffer and can…

  • What is a pharmacist and what do they do?

    Pharmacists are healthcare professionals who practice in pharmacy. They are involved in all aspects of medicine delivery to patients. They…

  • My Vaccine Pass

    For information about My Vaccine Pass go to: My Vaccine Pass | Unite against COVID-19

  • Vaccinations for 65 years old +

    Adult immunisation is needed because the protection provided by some vaccines can wear off, plus you can be at higher…

  • What is an LMC?

    One of the first decisions you will need to make in your pregnancy is who will be your Lead Maternity…

  • Search refine option definitions


    Anyone currently eligible can access: Services where anyone who meets that particular service’s eligibility criteria (e.g. Group…