
Lincoln Road


Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waitematā

Promise: best care for everyone

Values: everyone matters; with compassion; better, best, brilliant; connected

Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waitematā provides health services to approximately 650,000 residents of the North Shore, Waitakere, and Rodney areas. It has the largest population of any district health area.

Waitakere Hospital is located on Lincoln Road in Henderson, seated at the foot of the magnificent Waitakere Ranges and close to the black volcanic sand beaches of the west coast.

 In 1945 the original Waitakere Maternity Hospital was a small building in Te Atatu. The idea of a new hospital was raised that year, but it was another ten years before a site was found for the ‘North Western Hospital’.

In the ensuing years a geriatric block was built and the site also became a base for community home health and support services, child disability services and for health services to school children - public health nurses, hearing and vision testing, school dental services.

In the year 2000 then-Prime Minister Helen Clark announced funding for a $60 million redevelopment of Waitakere Hospital, and in 2005 the ‘new’ Waitakere Hospital as it exists today was opened, providing acute inpatient services for the populations of Waitakere and Kaipara Ki-Raro. It features the following facilities:

  • medical beds
  • coronary care beds
  • an Emergency Department
  • a Surgical Unit with operating theatres (1 being a dedicated obstetric theatre) and 2 endoscopy procedure rooms
  • elective surgical and endoscopy services are provided from the Surgical Unit
  • a Maternity Unit
  • acute gynaecology, elective gynaecology, colposcopy, and some urogynaecology services
  • a Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)
  • a Paediatric Service
  • an Allied Health Team of: social workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech language therapists. Dietitians also work on the wards but are part of Nutrition Services.

There are two wards specialising in the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients over 65 years of age. Specialist outpatient clinics are also provided for older adults.

There is a Mental Health inpatient unit also based on the Waitakere Hospital site, with the West Mental Health community services based nearby in Paramount Drive.

Healthcare Services

Click on a service below for all contact details


West Auckland

Visiting Hours

Visiting Guide - COVID-19 Level 3

We know how important it is for people in our care to be able to stay in touch with their loved ones.
We also need to be vigilant about not creating potential opportunities for the further spread of COVID-19 – which is why we require visitors to wear an appropriate surgical/ procedural face mask at all times and maintain physical distancing of at least one metre wherever possible. Please remember:

  • each general hospital ward patient can have a maximum of two visitors at any one time between the hours of 8am and 8pm. (Note: Ward 12 at North Shore Hospital allows a maximum of two nominated visitors on a pre-booked appointment basis in designated areas. Compassionate visiting in non-designated areas is at the charge nurse’s discretion)
  • any requests for exceptions to the rule will be considered on compassionate grounds, with specific approval required
  • it is generally not recommended that children under 15 visit the hospital. Any exception should be discussed in advance with the charge nurse/midwife manager
  • in maternity, a parent can have two support people present during labour and birth. They can have two nominated visitors for their postnatal stay – one at a time, though both can visit on the same day
  • each patient in our Emergency Departments (EDs) and Assessment and Diagnostic Units (ADUs) is allowed one visitor or support person. 
  • each patient in our dialysis units is allowed one visitor or support person
  • no visitors are permitted in Haematology Day Stay, Surgical Day Stay, Medical Day Stay
  • outpatients are each allowed an appropriate support person to attend appointments with them.

Visitors will be asked a few basic questions when being welcomed in to our hospitals – just to ensure their visit runs as smoothly and safely as possible.

* Variations to these regulations may apply to some parts of our facilities due to physical distancing requirements.


Delimarche Cafe is open in the main foyer of the hospital between 6:30am - 5pm Monday to Friday and Saturday to Sunday 9:30am - 4pm.

There are also vending machines supplying snack foods and drinks in the main foyer, and in the Emergency Department.

Travel Directions

To access Waitakere Hospital from the main link road from Auckland, travel along State Highway16 (Northwestern Motorway) and take the Lincoln Road exit.

See the Google map and hospital site map attached on the left of the page for directions.

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Public Transport

Bus stops are located on Lincoln Road in close proximity to the hospital. Bus route, bus timetable and bus fare information is available by visiting at.govt.nz

Taxi ranks are located outside the Health West building (opposite the Waitakere Hospital entrance). If there are no taxis immediately available, patients and visitors can request for one to be called to the main reception entrance. Assistance is also available from the reception desk for patients unable to walk to the taxi stand.

Community to Hospital Shuttle Service:
The Community to Hospital Shuttle Service is available to transport people to outpatient appointments at North Shore, Waitakere and Auckland Hospitals, the Greenlane Clinical Centre, and the Hibiscus Coast Community Health Centre.

The shuttle services are on demand with no set timetable. Bookings are essential and must be made at least three working days in advance of travel. Please download more information about the service. To reserve a seat please call 0800 809 342 or 09 426 0918 between 9.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

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Patient & Visitor Parking

Waitakere Hospital has separate parking areas for patients, visitors and staff.

Patient parking is situated close to the hospital and by the entrance to Maternity and the outpatient buildings. Visitor parking is situated at the front of the main carpark. Download our map to view the patient and visitor car parking areas.

Charges (Cash/Eftpos/Credit Card)
Patients and visitors are charged a parking fee as per the schedule of parking charges below. These charges apply 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Patients and visitors collect a parking ticket from the barrier arm ticket dispenser upon arrival at the hospital. 

Take your ticket with you and pay before returning to your car.

 Length of Time Parked Tariff as of 28th January 2018
 0 - 20 minutes  Free
 20 minutes – 1 hour  $4 
 1 hour – 2 hours  $8.20
 2 hours – 3 hours  $12.20
 3 hours – 4 hours  $16.40
 Over 4 hours  $20.40
 Lost Ticket Fee  $20.40

Mobility Parking
Mobility carparks are situated close to the hospital and outpatient clinics. They are available to anyone who is on hospital business and who displays a valid CCS permit. If you require assistance and would like to speak to the parking staff please call 0800 101 190 and you will be connected directly to the Traffic Office.

For the hearing impaired you can text 021 274 0617 or 021 591 528 to advise the traffic services team of any special needs that you may have prior to your arrival at North Shore or Waitakere Hospital.

Barrier Arm Operation
The barrier arms and pay machines operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Cyclists do not pay parking fees. Cycle racks are situated close to the main entrance.


There is no accommodation on the hospital site for visitors but there are many motels along Lincoln Road and in the surrounding area of Henderson.


Waitakere Hospital has an outpatient pharmacy located in the hospital’s main foyer on the ground floor. 

The outpatient pharmacy hours are:

Monday to Friday        9.00am – 6pm


Ratanui Pharmacy is across the road from the hospital at 77 Lincoln Road.

Open Monday to Friday 8:30am - 6pm, Saturday 9.00am - 12.00pm. Ph (09) 837 5234.



The security team aim to provide a safe and secure environment for patients, staff and visitors. They patrol inside the hospital and the grounds and car parks 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


The wards and some areas have restricted access to prevent unauthorised people from entering. All staff carry identification cards that can be presented on request.

The hospital main entrance is locked at 8pm, therefore those wishing to gain access to the wards after visiting times should contact the ward for permission and security should be contacted to allow escorted entry.


The hospital conducts fire and disaster drills regularly. If an alarm sounds please follow staff instructions and do not be alarmed.


For safety and protection, CCTV operates in both hospitals, inside and in the grounds.


The security department also work with traffic staff, police and ambulance officers when required to provide added assistance should a situation occur.

Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waitematā has a zero tolerance attitude to violence and aggression to staff and others. If you experience violence and/or aggression nursing staff should be notified.

Support Services

Volunteer Services

Approximately 40 volunteers provide a 'Meet and Greet' service from the front reception area to assist visitors around the hospital.…


Postal Services

There is a post box across the road from the main entrance area that accepts mail for Post - Economy, Fast, and International.…


Chaplaincy, and Kaumātua Services

Our Chaplains, and Kaumātua and Whaea provide pastoral care, spiritual support, leadership and guidance to patients, families, staff, visitors and friends at the hospital.…


Interpreting Services

Waitematā Auckland Translation and Interpreting Service (WATIS) is a division of Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waitematā Asian Health Support Service.…


Banking Services

An automatic Teller Machine (ATM) is situated in the main foyer of the hospital.


In some areas of the hospital you will not be allowed to use a mobile phone due to interference with vital equipment.…




Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waitematā supports the government policy of reducing inequalities. Working in partnership with Māori at all levels and in all parts of the district health sector helps ensure participation occurs, resulting in better health outcomes for Māori people who experience inequitable outcomes.

Our partnership programme is consistent with the Treaty of Waitangi and adheres to the framework outlined by the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000.


People eligible for free hospital treatment:

  • New Zealand citizens born in New Zealand or their children
  • people with permanent resident status or their children
  • citizens of Cook, Niue and Tokelau Islands
  • citizens of Australia who have been or intend to be in NZ more than 2 years
  • holders of a work visa, if visa expires more than 2 years after arriving in NZ
  • refugees, protected persons and victims of people trafficking.

Please Note: people who are not New Zealand citizens may be required to produce evidence of entitlement - passport, residency permit or other Immigration Service documentation when first registering for treatment.

Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waitematā hospitals may not be able to establish your eligibility to publicly funded healthcare at the time of the patient's presentation. If you are found to be not eligible, you or your family will be sent an invoice for the cost of your treatment.

It is our policy to treat you for acute and urgent treatment regardless of the patient's eligibility status. If not eligible they will have to pay for all services received.

We are unable to accept payment at the time of presentation. An invoice will be sent in the mail with information on how the account can be paid.

Contact our non-residential support advisors at NRSA@waitematadhb.govt.nz for additional information.


Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waitematā is a recognised smokefree environment and workplace. This means Waitemata buildings, grounds and vehicles are required to be smokefree at all times. Therefore smoking is not permitted by staff, patients, contractors, or members of the public in any area of the hospital.

If patients or visitors are found smoking within the hospital grounds they will be asked to leave. Repeat offenders may be issued with a trespass notice.

The Waitakere Hospital grounds extend out to Lincoln Road and Woodford Avenue.



The hospital allows patients to keep and use personal clothing and possessions. However we encourage you to leave your valuables such as jewellery and large amounts of cash at home or with a trusted person. Patients arriving at the hospital will be encouraged to send valuables home for safekeeping. If items need to be removed and you are not able to decide for yourself due to your medical condition, nursing staff will itemise and secure the items.

If you lose something during your stay/visit please notify your nurse immediately. Lost items are handed into the Security Office beside ED.



The Well Foundation is the official fundraising body of Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waitematā, which includes Waitakere and North Shore hospitals and community health services in West Auckland, North Shore and Rodney.  Set up as a separate charitable trust, the Foundation’s mission is to help Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waitematā deliver its promise of "best care for everyone" by raising additional funds for priority projects that support innovation, smart use of technology and new initiatives that will enable us to be a leader in healthcare.

Donations and support raised through the Foundation will be carefully managed and used on agreed projects and kept distinct from the annual government funding we are allocated for basic, core services.

Contact Well Foundation

For more information about foundation events and initiatives, or to make a donation, please:

  • Phone

    (09) 839 0000

Freephone 0800 80 93 42 - Waitemata DHB residential areas only

Emergency Department: Open 24 hours / 7 days, Phone (09) 839 0000


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Street Address

Lincoln Road

Postal Address

Health NZ Waitematā
Private Bag 93503
Auckland 0740