
214 Green Lane West
One Tree Hill
Auckland 1051


Greenlane Clinical Centre is the centre of Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland outpatient services and day-stay surgery. There is a wide range of specialists at the centre, including dentists and pharmacists.

The main entrance for the Greenlane Clinical Centre is at Gate 1 Greenlane Road West. Unless your appointment letter directs you to another building, clinics are accessed from the main building. You will find signs inside the main door directing you to your clinic, if you are not sure which way to go please ask the blue-coated volunteers.

Please report to your clinic reception desk so they know you have arrived.

Click here for a site map of Greenlane Clinical Centre.

Healthcare Services

Click on a service below for all contact details


Central Auckland

Document Downloads

Visiting Hours

Greenlane Clinical Centre is open from 7am to 6.30pm.

To visit Eye Ward patients outside these hours, there is an intercom at the front door to contact security for access.


In addition to the following cafes and food services, snack and cold drink vending machines are located in the main foyer of Building 4, and the Ground Floor of Building 16.

Jamaica Blue, Ground floor, Building 4

  • Monday to Friday: 7am to 4pm

Planet Espresso, Ground floor, Building 4

  • Monday to Thursday: 7am to 3.30pm
  • Friday: 7am to 2pm

Oasis, Lower ground floor, Building 15/16

  • Weekdays: 7.30am to 3pm

Public Transport

For details on bus and public transport routes, check the Auckland Transport website, call 09 366 6400 (or use 0800 10 30 80 if outside of the local calling area)

There is a taxi rank located outside the main entrance. If there is no taxi there, the Blue Coat Volunteers in the main building can call a taxi for you.

Waitemata Shuttle Service  
The hospital Shuttle Service is available to transport people to outpatient appointments at North Shore, Waitakere and Auckland Hospitals, the Greenlane Clinical Centre, and Waitematā's Red Beach Clinic. There is a charge for this service. For more information click here

Get directions


Parking charges apply in all areas of the Greenlane Clinical Centre site. All car parks are accessible via Gate 1 off Green Lane Road, please follow the signs. Access is also available via Claude Rd, Mon-Fri only (this access is chained off Sat-Sun). 

Parking charges

If you are a patient or close family member who needs to use the carpark for an extended period then please talk to your Charge Nurse if you are facing financial pressures. We may be able to help. 

0 - 15 mins $0
15 - 30 mins $3.50
30 mins - 1 hour $6
1 - 2 hours $8.50
2 - 3 hours $11
3 - 4 hours $13
4 - 5 hours $15
5 - 6 hours $17
6 - 7 hours $19
7 - 8 hours $20
Lost Ticket $20

Other parking

There is a 30-minute, free drop-off zone, outside the main entrance of Greenlane Clinical Centre. There may be some free parking in the streets surrounding Greenlane, but you will need to check as many areas have time limits on parking. Please remember to pay for your parking at the ticket machine in the main foyer before you leave the centre so you can easily exit the car park.


Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.30pm

Weekends: closed

Location: Ground Floor, Greenlane Clinical Centre.

Support Services


Our friendly volunteers provide assistance directing people around the centre and other facilities as required.…


Hospital Fees

Will your healthcare at Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland cost you anything?



A 24-hour service is available through wards/departments for those patients requiring this service.…




While we try to see people on time, circumstances outside of our control can cause delays. If you have registered at the reception desk and have been waiting for more than 30 minutes past your appointment time, please check back with the receptionist.

Your clinic visit can be extended if procedures or tests are needed such as X-rays, blood tests or plaster changes. The receptionist will be able to give you information about this. If for any reason you have to leave the centre before completing your appointment, please let the receptionist know.


Wheelchairs are available from the information desk just inside the centre, easily accessible from the drop-off zone.

Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)

There is an ASB cashflow machine on the ground floor opposite the Help Desk. This machine accepts most major cards and the car park also accepts EFTPOS.

General enquiries 

(09) 367 0000

Extension/pager number known

(09) 307 4949

Patient enquiries

(09) 375 4300

Outpatient appointments and surgical bookings 

(09) 638 0400 / scheduling@adhb.govt.nz 

GP/ External Specialist Help Desk 

(09) 307 2800

Mental Health Services 24 Hour Crisis helpline

0800 800 717


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Street Address

214 Green Lane West
One Tree Hill
Auckland 1051

Postal Address

Private Bag 92 189
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142