  • Pacific People
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  • COVID-19 Vaccination and Boosters
  • Maternity Services
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  • What is an NGO?

    An NGO (Non-government organisation) is a non-profit, independent, community organisation that is not affiliated with central or local government, although…

  • What is a PHO?

    Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) are the means by which the Government ensures that everyone has access to a general practitioner…

  • Scope of a general dentist

    A general dentist is involved in all aspects of dental care and they will refer patients to a specialist dentist…

  • What is an Optometrist?

    Optometrists are health professionals who specialise in testing eyes. They have been extensively trained not only to test vision but…

  • Registration and qualifications

    All practising dentists, dental specialists and oral and maxillofacial surgeons must be registered with the Dental Council of New…

  • Review Guidelines

    Based on your recent experience with this service, explain why you would or wouldn't recommend this service to friends and…

  • My Vaccine Pass - How to get it?

    There are 3 ways to get your My Vaccine Pass — online through My Covid Record, over the phone (0800 28…

  • How do I access or get to use one of these services?

    Nearly all of the services here are accessed through a Community Mental Health Centre (CMHC). To get an appointment at…

  • Help with dental costs

    Under the age of 18 years general dental care is free, unless you choose to visit a dentist not funded…

  • COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) and Pregnancy / Breastfeeding

    If you are pregnant or breastfeeding and have questions about COVID-19 click on the following links for information provided by…

  • Do I need to make an appointment to see a pharmacist?

    Most pharmacies generally do not require an advance appointment however during busy times there may be a wait to see…

  • What is a Practice Nurse?

    Practice nurses are highly trained nurses who work with GPs in primary care practices. They provide a range of services…

  • Age of first dental visit

    Your child should be enrolled in a school/community dental clinic generally before their first birthday. Under the age of 18…

  • Healthpoint Privacy Policy

    This Privacy Policy was last updated on 24 January 2024…

  • What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration?

    As the name suggests, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a condition usually found in older people. It is the leading…

  • Registration Required of LMCs

    A midwife must be registered with the New Zealand Midwifery Council, as a practitioner of the profession of midwifery and…

  • Cost of Maternity Care

    Pregnant women are eligible for free and subsidised maternity-related services if they:…

  • What do I do if I have missed a vaccination?

    Contact your Immunisation provider to get your missed vaccine.…

  • Dental support staff

    Dental Assistants:
    Assist dentists with patient care such as keeping the patient’s mouth clear by using a suction machine, passing…

  • What will it cost me?

    Public (DHB) specialist mental health services are provided free of charge to New Zealand (NZ) residents and citizens or people…