15 Earl Richardson Avenue
Auckland 2104
15 Earl Richardson Avenue
Auckland 2104
PO Box 276002
Manukau City
Auckland 2241
<p>Phone (09) 869 2433
Email info@thecausecollective.org.nz</p>Website: www.thecausecollective.org.nz
Established in August 2010, The Cause Collective (TCC) is home to the only Pacific-led Primary Healthcare Organisation (PHO) in Aotearoa New Zealand and is passionate about improving the health equity and wellbeing for Pacific and other underserved populations.
We provide tailored tools, guidance and supports to our network of general practices in the areas of funding, contract management, clinical and administrative tasks, education, business and clinical modelling, service delivery and reporting so that they can achieve equitable outcomes for their enrolled populations and local communities.
Our Vision:
This Generation will Win the Next Generation.
Our Value Statement:
We do what is necessary and right with truth and love.
Our Goal:
Healthy and thriving families and communities.
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